Controlling a binge- not the other way around!

Hi there,
I often find that during the week I will be completely motivated: exercise and eat cleanly but, the weekend comes and BOOM: binge alert.
Does anyone else have this problem? I'm just worried because it's becoming a bad routine and it ruins all my hard work!
Has anyone successfully fought this problem? Share your wisdom!


  • PhoenyxRose
    PhoenyxRose Posts: 70 Member
    I find that making sure I drink enough water (since I'm chronically dehydrated) really helps with not over eating since I tend to feel fuller by drinking enough water. I also eat a little bit of sweets everyday, though it seems the smaller calorie ones are better (I.e. I would eat like 5 dove chocolates for like 120 calories and be fine, but I feel hungry when I account for my 500 calorie cheesecake slice. This is probably due to the cheese cake being very very calorie dense and not having a large mass). Also, if you can't eat just a little, keeping your "binge" foods out of the house is probably a good idea (so I don't buy a any more sweets than what I think I'll eat for that week or so). Also doing other things and keeping busy helps.

    Hope this helps :) cravings and wanting to binge are tough things to not cave into but you can do it.
  • stephernie4
    stephernie4 Posts: 4 Member
    I totally have this problem too! Not sure what the solution is though.
  • sweetiepie781
    sweetiepie781 Posts: 75 Member
    I have had this problem as well where I do so good all week and then will be around sweets or other snacks that I love and ruin it by not just tasting or having a few but then I binge out ( hence all the skittles and starburst I just stuffed after doing good all day ) ughh
  • KirstenDinnie
    KirstenDinnie Posts: 16 Member
    I think @PhoenyxRose you're right about allowing yourself to have a little of what you fancy. That never hurt anyone. It's difficult for me because I live with people who keep too many treats in the house! What could help in this situation is allowing yourself to have this treat but only when you're out of the house. So, that portion you choose is your allowed amount and nothing more. Instead of having a biscuit at home when the rest of the packet is sweetly calling your name. Perhaps this will help? I will try it this week and report back.

    In the mean time, shall we friend each other to help us keep on track when the end of the week comes? A friendly reminder never hurt :)@KirstenDinnie
  • takingcareofus
    takingcareofus Posts: 68 Member
    You totally echoed my sentiments. I'd love to share facing the challenge and slowly getting more successfully through the weekends.