Coffee! How much is too much?



  • Strawblackcat
    Strawblackcat Posts: 944 Member
    I figure that too much is when I start getting shaky. I get free coffee at work, and it's the really good stuff (customers pay $2.50 a cup for it) so I tend to overindulge a bit on it. Forbme, too much is when I start to have trouble typing on the cash register.
  • f1tness4life
    f1tness4life Posts: 32 Member
    Guess I'm worried about teeth staining too!
  • jacklifts
    jacklifts Posts: 396 Member
    For me, it becomes too much when drinking a cup only gives me a boost for 10-15 minutes and I feel like crashing afterwards. I'm falling asleep all the time, but can't stay asleep more than 4-5 hours overnight. Then I know I have to cut back.

    What I've done to cut back is buy decaffeinated coffee, tea, and decaffeinated tea. So I start to substitute caffeinated tea for coffee one cup at a time. Sometimes I really feel like coffee, so I use the decaf. Once I get down to 1 cup of coffee a day, I start substituting decaf tea for the regular tea. By that time, I'm usually back to normal, and start drinking 2 cups of regular coffee a day.
  • theSlippery1
    theSlippery1 Posts: 8 Member
    edited November 2015
    Coffee enables caffeine addiction. Caffeine blows various receptors giving you a rush. The more you take, the more you'll need. It'll get you in the end. If you think you're having too much coffee, then go without for 5 days.... if they are the worst five days imaginable, with headaches, dizziness and brain fog, then yep, you've been having too much caffeine. If the concept of five days without caffeine scares you, then yep, you're having too much caffeine. Do you even remember what normal feels like?
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I will drink all the coffee
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    If you get shaky or bounce off the walls, you had too much caffeine. If you think you are drinking too much, cut down gradually or you could get withdrawal symptoms like headaches, excessive sleepiness, crankiness, etc. If you are drinking the amount that you do drink in order to avoid these symptoms, you probably are drinking too much and should cut down some. I had to do this. I hated the feeling that I HAD to drink coffee in order to function. Now I have 2 cups in the morning and decaf only if I have some later in the day. I cut down from about 6 cups a day and function normally if there is a day when I don't get caffeine.

    Also, if you are trying to lose weight and you drink several high calorie coffee drinks a day, you should cut down too. Use those calories on something with a little more nutrition.
  • thebozz7
    thebozz7 Posts: 30 Member
    I love coffee I drink 2 -3 cups a day I don't think that it's bad if you don't have a reaction to it but there is a catch, coffee was me t to be drunk similar to water in one sip because when you start taking sips and do that for long periods of time your teeths will get damage by turning yellow and some other things according to my dental doctor but I love it so much I still drink it by sips
    I would say don't worry.
  • CC2435
    CC2435 Posts: 21 Member
    The only time I "detox" from coffee is when I feel like a few cups aren't giving me the pep that it used to. At that point I switch to green tea so that I can reduce the amount of caffeine I need without having the withdraw headaches. A week later, two cups of coffee make me feel wonderful again.
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    thebozz7 wrote: »
    I love coffee I drink 2 -3 cups a day I don't think that it's bad if you don't have a reaction to it but there is a catch, coffee was me t to be drunk similar to water in one sip because when you start taking sips and do that for long periods of time your teeths will get damage by turning yellow and some other things according to my dental doctor but I love it so much I still drink it by sips
    I would say don't worry.
    I am no expert but my dentist said that coffee will stain your teeth but not cause actual damage. I have seen people use those little mixing straws to prevent at least the front teeth from stain.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I get caffeine headaches if I only have one cup of coffee in the morning. And I still don't think I have too much coffee.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    When you get to the point where your heart rate is noticeably increased, it is time to slow down. If you vomit, then stop consuming caffeine for several hours. That has worked for me, anyway.
  • tcarp8
    tcarp8 Posts: 369 Member
    Never too much
  • alyssagb1
    alyssagb1 Posts: 353 Member
    Too much coffee? Perish the thought!!
  • neohdiver
    neohdiver Posts: 738 Member
    Coffee enables caffeine addiction. Caffeine blows various receptors giving you a rush. The more you take, the more you'll need. It'll get you in the end. If you think you're having too much coffee, then go without for 5 days.... if they are the worst five days imaginable, with headaches, dizziness and brain fog, then yep, you've been having too much caffeine. If the concept of five days without caffeine scares you, then yep, you're having too much caffeine. Do you even remember what normal feels like?

    "Normal" feels exactly the same as when I'm drinking 4-6 cups a day (which I do every day). I typically have no coffee from Friday PM through Monday around noon.

    My daughter did a science experiment on me twice during her middle/high school career: no coffee or caffeine for 1-2 weeks. The first time was just to test for withdrawal symptoms. The second was to compare vital signs when I consumed caffeine v. when I didn't.

    No increased/decreased alertness
    No headaches
    No brain fog
    No dizziness
    More variation between AM and PM blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration on any given day than there was between caffeine week and caffeine free week.

    Not to mention, a new study finds (yet again) coffee is good for you. Specifically 3-5 cups a day.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    I feel like I'm nearing the coffee threshold when it starts oozing out of my pores.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    neohdiver wrote: »
    Coffee enables caffeine addiction. Caffeine blows various receptors giving you a rush. The more you take, the more you'll need. It'll get you in the end. If you think you're having too much coffee, then go without for 5 days.... if they are the worst five days imaginable, with headaches, dizziness and brain fog, then yep, you've been having too much caffeine. If the concept of five days without caffeine scares you, then yep, you're having too much caffeine. Do you even remember what normal feels like?

    "Normal" feels exactly the same as when I'm drinking 4-6 cups a day (which I do every day). I typically have no coffee from Friday PM through Monday around noon.

    My daughter did a science experiment on me twice during her middle/high school career: no coffee or caffeine for 1-2 weeks. The first time was just to test for withdrawal symptoms. The second was to compare vital signs when I consumed caffeine v. when I didn't.

    No increased/decreased alertness
    No headaches
    No brain fog
    No dizziness
    More variation between AM and PM blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration on any given day than there was between caffeine week and caffeine free week.

    Not to mention, a new study finds (yet again) coffee is good for you. Specifically 3-5 cups a day.

    I'm sure quantity has a lot of bearing. Normally, I don't notice physical reaction to caffeine anymore. But sometimes with high caffeine intake during short periods of time, my heart rate can jump up to 120's while resting.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    I drink at least one 16oz coffee a day, with only 1 serving of cream. The second if I have one is away from home and I cant be as accurate so I try to stick to the one but just for additives not the coffee itself!
  • cap3737
    cap3737 Posts: 14 Member
    Caffeine is a stimulant. Not good and weight loss I've changed up to decaf coffee pour over. At Starbucks. I'll do one this is from a person that used to drink three pots of coffee a day. It's tough in the beginning, you may experience headaches it takes about three days. It's well worth getting caffeine out of your diet. Good luck
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    I usually drink coffee 2-3 days a week. Those are weekends or days off work. Usually 2-3 cups a day on those days. Other than that I drink tea. I never drank coffee until about 3 years ago. We went to Cuba on holiday and I drank 2 cups each day. So yummy the coffee in Cuba!! Got home and had to go buy a coffee perk. We had never owned one until then. Headed back to Cuba this winter and I will bring home as much coffee as customs will allow me!! And a bit of rum.