Anyone been in similar position? 5ft 5 female - currently 142lbs aim 126 lbs. Help!



  • lilybelle2929
    lilybelle2929 Posts: 10 Member
    edited November 2015
    5'5, 160 here. The lowest I got down to was 120lbs 10 years ago in college and that was only through strict 1200 cal diet and working out 2 hrs a day (weights + elliptical) 6x/wk. Diet alone never works for me because without the gym to remind me exactly what a calorie "means," I lose motivation. Trying to figure out how to go back to 125, or even 130 without killing myself! Help... thoughts? Is this inevitable? Looking for inspiration buddies!
  • LCD_80
    LCD_80 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 5'5 and was 142 at the start of September, I'm now 130, aiming for about 126, or whenever I'm happy with my shape. I aim for 1450, must admit, I don't eat particularly healthily, I just eat fewer biscuits and chocolate and as little bread as I can manage. I exercise most days - I do metafit twice a week (a high intensity 30min circuit type class), I lift weights/kettlebells once or twice a week and I run a fair bit, about 20 miles a week. I wear a heart rate monitor and log the calories burned and I eat some or all of them in addition to my 1450.
  • f1tness4life
    f1tness4life Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 5'5 and was 142 at the start of September, I'm now 130, aiming for about 126, or whenever I'm happy with my shape. I aim for 1450, must admit, I don't eat particularly healthily, I just eat fewer biscuits and chocolate and as little bread as I can manage. I exercise most days - I do metafit twice a week (a high intensity 30min circuit type class), I lift weights/kettlebells once or twice a week and I run a fair bit, about 20 miles a week. I wear a heart rate monitor and log the calories burned and I eat some or all of them in addition to my 1450.

    This is inspiration to me! I find that i stick to calories but eat a few treats within the calorie limit - but i need to work out to change my body comp - want to be strong! Great to see your aim is same as mine! 126! x Well done
  • OblasMummy
    OblasMummy Posts: 40 Member
    Hi in 5'5" I was 141 2 weeks ago but I just came back from a 2 week all inclusive holiday in Eqypt. It's weigh day tomorrow! ! I'm going to need some help and motivation to get on track I too want to be 126. Feel free to add me for support to get there together
  • Zhara9
    Zhara9 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I'm 5'4 and want to be 125 now weighing 129 I'm struggling to maintain 129 or lower. I aim for 1200 calories a day!
  • DKG28
    DKG28 Posts: 299 Member
    5'5" trying to get below 140. Been stuck at 145 for 2 months. Started in January at 196. I eat 1200. Been a little off track lately.
  • LCD_80
    LCD_80 Posts: 26 Member
    I see you're in the UK too, I really recommend looking for a metafit class, it's awesome! The actual workout is only 20-25min, but you barely stop and it hits every part of your body and boosts your metabolism. There's bound to be a class near you.
  • JdoubleJ
    JdoubleJ Posts: 37 Member
    5ft 5 female - currently 142lbs aim 126 lbs. Help!

    Just looking for someone else in a similar situation or who as got to goal... how did you do it?? I just started insanity - think i should be eating 1400 calories a day...

    Looking for a bit of motivation.

  • JdoubleJ
    JdoubleJ Posts: 37 Member
    I'm very similar, 5ft 5 and currently 137.2 aiming for 125. I've just restarted my weight loss journey so please add me if you want a buddy.I'm female, 29 and in theUK
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I'm 5'2, started at 153, lost the 30 lbs i set out to lose and am currently maintaining between 120-124.

    When I was losing I was eating 1600-1900 and now I'm maintaining at about 2200. My exercise is walking and circuit training with Dumbbells.

    OP my advice for everyone getting started on MFP:

    Set a reasonable weight loss goal and rate of loss (if you have only 20 lbs to lose that should be 0.5 lb/week)
    Enter that along with your stats in MFP and let it calculate a reasonable deficit (at 0.5 lb/week that's only 250 cals/day)
    Track everything, weighing your food for optimal accuracy
    Eat primarily nutrient dense foods, leaving room for treats if you like.
    Exercise if you enjoy it and eat back a portion of those calories.
    Be patient.

  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Interesting how everyone weight loss journey is so different.
    I am 5'7 and have been maintaining at 135-137 for 8 months now.
    Took me a long time to lose 48 lbs. 95% logging everything. Very little exercise.
    Not eating processed food was the kick start. (pre MFP) Lost 10lbs in 5 weeks.
    Slow and steady after that...I also have learned to watch my carbs (100) and sodium(1500)intake which has helped a lot. Which goes hand in hand with processed /restaurant food.
    I eat on average 1300 calories a day.
  • narges1983
    narges1983 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I'm 5'5" and currently 127 lbs. I started at 145 lbs in January and I got to 125 lbs in July. My goal weight is 117 lbs.
    I lost the weight with exercise and healthy diet. I still exercise every day but I can't stop overeating some days. I have a sweet tooth and it is my major problem.
  • SpaMa8989
    SpaMa8989 Posts: 20 Member
    I just turned 40 and wanted to get more active. I am 5'7 and around 155 pounds. I eat well and try to do 40 minutes of treadmill 4 times a week. I weighed myself 2 weeks ago and it said I was 160 lbs....I threw my scale in the garbage. Not sure if I have lost anything but I am not going on a scale for a while!