'Comfort Carbs'

Hi everybody :)

I'm relatively new to the low-carb mentality, and can absolutely feel HUGE benefits, including minimized hunger and carvings, increased energy throughout the day, and almost effortless weight maintenance.

I am happy to say I can easily skip the potatoes at dinner, and for the most part, any carbs accompanying meat.

However, I'm still struggling with the idea of giving up some personal favorites, such as pancakes on a Sunday morning, rolls with butter and honey... and it doesn't make it a whole lot easier that I LOVE to bake.

I suspect this is a sugar and comfort craving more than anything else. I don't often give in to them, but I do miss these foods and the familiarity/comfort they come with. (Problem is, I often end up overindulging when I DO give in.) Have any of you experienced the same? How did/do you deal with it? And if you do treat yourself to your 'comfort carbs,' how often so, and under what circumstances?

Looking very much forward to your replies!!


  • PhoenyxRose
    PhoenyxRose Posts: 70 Member
    I deal with it by not doing low carb diets as when you reduce your carb intake by too much you end up with not only cravings but also deprive your brain of it's fuel source: glucose. Therefore (because I love my brain and will be going to med. school in the fall) I adhere to calories in/calories out and generally eat what I want, which includes a small amount pastries or chocolate that I've accounted for for that day (along with managing my food groups otherwise and having meat with every meal and a serving of fruit/veggies that help fill me up since I can eat quite a bit as they're usually very nutrient dense). Though I do stay away from most restaurants and fast food chains, but that has more to do with their meals being 1000+ calories and the fact that super oily/greasy foods make me nauseous.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You can put your personal favorites back into the plan. Make the pancakes on Sundays.
    Or, if you think the low carb plan is working, be patient and give it more time. Have other indulgences like bacon, real butter, . . .