Ready to do this- get fit and lose those baby and divorce pounds at last!

I was an aerobics instructor and long distance cyclist in college and for the years after. As I was preparing to get married, I broke my knee and had a major life crisis. 7 years later, I had another crisis as I decided it was time to get a divorce. Between the 2 babies and all of the stress of life, I have been carrying around about 40 lbs more than I should be for 7 years. That has led to lower back issues and resulting sleep issues etc. I'm ready to do get rid of this heavy body pack I've been carrying. I'd love suggestions and support from this community.
Thank you in advance,


  • tamifox2
    tamifox2 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Amy, I too am going through a divorce and have 40 pounds to lose. The unhappy marriage and crazy divorce had me pack on the weight. I'm done making excuses and bad food choices and ready to dive into being healthy. This weight has me depressed and I need to shed it to start my new life with confidence. You posted this a few months ago, how's it going. I'm just getting started today. Wish me luck!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Hey there! I went through a divorce, ankle break and surgery all in the last 2 years. Feel free to add me, support is key!