Weght Lifting

LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
Anyone have any good advice or know of some decent websites for a strength training program? I would describe myself as an experienced rookie when it comes to lifting. Meaning that 15 years ago I thought I knew what I was doing but haven't done much since then. Now that i'm starting to get back into it I'm still doing the same old program and excercises. I do have some limitatioms due to a shoulder surgery that's left me without full mobility but for the most part I'm open to trying some new things.

I appreciate your feedback - I know you muscle heads like to share you knowledge :happy:


  • blittle40
    blittle40 Posts: 31
    Hey Leaner ..what "program" are you doing now...and are you doing any cardio?
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    scoobysworkshop.com is where I got my routine (and modified it a little bit). There's also http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/ to find exercises for each muscle group.
  • gmann1973
    gmann1973 Posts: 247
    Cheak out Muscle and fitness I get all my work outs fom the site or the mag. Well good luck, I have had 6 knee surgeries my self so I know your pain, but I also know you can make the come back you want!!!!!!!!
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hey B - right now I'm doing 2 days on 1 day off. Day 1 chest, bi's, tri's; Day 2 Back, shoulders, legs. For cardio I walk after lifting, started on the treadmill but now do outside, there are some trails at my gym site. Walk & weights normally for about 35 - 50 each.
  • bkube01
    bkube01 Posts: 20
    I really like Escalating Density Training by Charles Staley.
  • WeightLossTrek
    This is what I am following right now.


    4 Day split. You can do 2 days on, 1 day off, or just go 4 straight days.