Girl Getting Stronger

My name's Sof, I'm 5'4'' above ground and weight around 118 lbs. I've been struggling with my appearance for a long time, went through a lot of things on my journey (that has been kind of a rollercoaster) to slimming down and eventually lost most of the weight I wanted. Even though I can say that, I still want to work on my lifestyle seriously. I want to be more active, healthier, happier. I want to set goals and beat laziness, procrastination, occasional lack of motivation and grumpy moods.
I'm struggling with "the last ten pounds" right now, but more than to loose them I really want to become stronger and happier person and watch my intake at the same time.
I'm looking for some motivation and inspiration as much as for some great people I'd share my passion for healthy cooking and getting in shape, and I'm pretty sure this is the place. So, hi, everyone!


  • jtkelley420
    Welcome! Good luck..
  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    Best of luck in your journey, Sof. Welcome!
  • gemwho2
    gemwho2 Posts: 82
    Hi Sof

    I could have written your post! Although I am shorter and heavier than you, a lot of what you said relates to how I feel. Esp the grumpyness and procrastination! The last 10lb seem to be taking forever!
  • Sofitness
    Sofitness Posts: 54
    Thanks everyone for such a nice welcome! I'm even more excited now :-)