Starting again

I just can't seem to keep up with this. But this time I've gained a lot of weight. Due to having a fiance that likes to eat fast food and me being more lazy because it's Winter here and my daughter is older and walking so I don't have to carry her around or hover over her as much as I used to.

So,today i'm trying to stay under my intake. I was given 1,770cals/day. So far..I've eaten 909 cals and it's only 3pm now. For some reason when I woke up at 7am (way earlier than I usually do) I was starving so I had a breakfast burrito that was 288cals. Then when I woke up at 11am I had an actual breakfast. That was two pieces of bacon, apple and cinnamon oatmeal, and two eggs..that was 421 cals. Then I had a guilty moment a few minutes ago and had some m&ms and that was 200 cals. I do measure on the food scale. Haven't exercised at all since it's been cold but I'm going to try the Wii fit's not much but it's something for now, since my asthma has been acting up due to the cold.

I have no idea how to spend those last 800 something cals..I have an issue with stress-eating and eating late at night. I keep getting on here for a bit then getting sad and stopping everything. That's when I gain weight. On top of that, I live with my mom and sis until my fiance, daughter, and I move in together in a month or so. My sis is on a diet herself because she's having health issues. But my mom...her eating habits are crazy, I don't see how she hasn't gained a lot of weight. But she cooks these big meals for dinner and breakfast sometimes. So when I wake up I just eat that because it's already fixed up. I've cut down on the fast food..even though for some reason my fiance is losing weight even though he's eating fast food at least twice every day. And if I get any then I don't eat much else for the day because that tales up almost all of my intake.

But what is healthy and filling? What do I even do? I haven't lost weight since I had my daughter. And I stopped breastfeeding so the extra burn from that is gone. I have a thing for sweets all day, especially at night. I keep trying to divide my meals into a certain number of calories (like 400 cals/meal) but it doesn't work out too well. All the weight goes to my thighs and stomach. My arms have gotten a little bigger. But it's my stomach and thighs. It is especially noticeable on my stomach because I had a c-section last September and my stomach is kind of flopping over. I understand that may not totally go away but I'd like to make it smaller. I've noticed when I wear clothes, there's like a very wide "U" shape and I have a fat roll above that. I'm definitely wider. I do have an hourglass figure. When I turn to the side, my stomach doesn't stick out much. I've learned from seeing my daughter grow that it must be hereditary for our weight to go to our thighs more than anywhere else.


  • crb426
    crb426 Posts: 657 Member
    Grilled tilapia is only about 100 calories per serving. Pair that with steamed veggies and a cup of brown rice and you've got a full plate-load for about 400 calories or less.
  • mickeywolfie
    mickeywolfie Posts: 17 Member
    I'll have to put that on my grocery list when I go shopping in a few days. My battle is the sweets lol
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    hey as many times as you need to start over just Do it- you CAN do this thing. There are threads here about eating more calorie dense foods- that way you can eat more foods for less calories. There are plenty of recipes on the recipe page and plenty of recipes on you-tube for stews or soups or chili, etc things(foods) with LOTS of veggies and are really filling. Try some protein at every meal and make sure you drink your water. I now love cottage cheese, greek yogurt with fruit, veggies and hummus, etc. You can do this I just know it. We ALL are here to cheer you on. If you want to add me as a friend feel free to do so. I only have about 20lbs to lose so it is slow and steady for me when I had more to lose it went faster but that was before I got on this site. Take your time and KNOW you are doing this for YOU and for your family!
  • bborley
    bborley Posts: 19 Member
    I am starting over again too. It's tough but I hate the way I look and feel.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Try to eat more healthy foods. You'll stay fuller and you'll give yourself the gift of nutrients. You might even find that you feel better! Most people do! :)

    Fruits and veggies! Lean, white meats and fish. Whole grains. Work that stuff in more. Learn to make those in ways that taste good! It's a challenge, but it's doable. If you do it, you will be glad you did! :)
  • MarcyKirkton
    MarcyKirkton Posts: 507 Member
    The sweet tooth thing for me had to be nipped at first, anyway. I am just now allowing a few treats now and then, but I knew....that was my vulnerable area. I just cleared it all out and stayed away for quite awhile. When I finally ate some cookies, sure enough......ate the entire batch!

    But that broke the spell, I guess. Since then, I'm actually eating sweets and not overdoing it.

    Good luck. I just related to the sweet tooth.
  • mickeywolfie
    mickeywolfie Posts: 17 Member
    These are really good replies! :smiley:

    I'm on here again because it started off with me not liking how I look right now but then I started feeling like crap. It's started affecting my asthma along with the cold weather.

    I always tell myself when I go in the store that i'll get healthy food, then I go in and get overwhelmed lol. I bring the stuff home and I start thinking "Wow...I do not feel like cooking...and Little One is getting into everything and people are trying to take over cooking for me and they put stuff in that makes it taste bad to me and telling me how to cook it ugggh.." and then I end up putting something horrible in the microwave. It goes downhill after that.

    I've noticed today actually that I didn't pig out as much on sweets like I have. I ate a Fiber One bar and that made me feel full for a bit and satisfied my sweet tooth.

    I keep thinking I know what I'm doing, but I don't lol. No idea how to lose weight.