30 pounds to lose!

dametruffle Posts: 4 Member
edited April 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Anyone else have 30 pounds to lose? I do!!! This would put me back to the weight I was 10 years ago (before having three cute kiddos). Anyone else need to lose thirty?!


  • gillster2015
    gillster2015 Posts: 8 Member
    I just keep saying that my aim is to lose 20lbs but deep down I know 30 is the dream
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    I do! 30 left to get me to initial goal and then I'll re-evaluate. Feel free to add.
  • maisie981
    maisie981 Posts: 25 Member
    Me too. I have 3 kids as well.
    Add me. What area are you from?
  • dametruffle
    dametruffle Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm a Minnesota girl (lately anyway)! Raised in NY though so I'll always have that sparky side. Added you all as friends <3
  • marykate_1203
    marykate_1203 Posts: 164 Member
    I have 45 pounds to lose! EEkk.. lets do this!
  • lorirattray
    lorirattray Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, Just started using mfp today. Really need something to keep me motivated! Would love to loose 25lbs. Please add me to your list also. Hopefully we can reach our goals together!
  • Avia16
    Avia16 Posts: 16 Member
    Yes, but I am having difficulty with cutting the fat and sugars. Cheese and chocolate are my nemeses.
  • pipeslovespops
    pipeslovespops Posts: 3 Member
    I have 30 to lose, and three kids and there is NO reason this won't work! Been on here for about 2 weeks, and the tracking what goes in your mouth really helps! It's easy to fool yourself, but this keeps you honest.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Hi all! I'm a 26 mom of 1 that recently transplanted to sc. I lost 40 pounds on mfp before, and gained it all back. So I'm here again to drop the weight once more, this time for good! I want to lose 35 pounds, but my ultimate dream would be a little closer to 50 (which would be about my high school weight!) So if any of you want to add me too, please do!
  • dametruffle
    dametruffle Posts: 4 Member
    I've added you all! Thanks for sharing. We can do this!!! <3
  • pygment
    pygment Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2015
    30 would put me back at my wedding weight from 16 years ago. it would be nice to see but I'm shooting for 20 right now. And yeah, this is post 2 kids.
  • Camarose79
    Camarose79 Posts: 86 Member
    My initial goal is to lose 50, but I think 30 would be great! So far (in 3 months) I've lost between 5 and 9 (it keeps jumping around a little but it is going down!) I don't have any friends in here who I don't know in real life and my diary is private for now. I'm 35 no kids.
  • I just keep saying that my aim is to lose 20lbs but deep down I know 30 is the dream

  • prettygirl357
    prettygirl357 Posts: 1 Member
    I do. I also keep saying that I just want to lose the 20, but I know that if I lose the 30, that'd be where I'd really like to be. That would take me to where I've never been, in the 130's. For as long as I can remember, my lowest weight was around 145 and that was in high school and college. So ya...30 pounds would put me down into the 130's. :)
  • milamerl
    milamerl Posts: 1 Member
    i need to lose 20lbs but 30lbs would be ideal