new to my fitness pal

lazatin Posts: 452 Member
My friend badgered me into joining and I am so glad she did. I love the food log. I had been writing down and figuring out to calories, fat, etc. but that was to demanding since I a a mother of 3 and work full time. I am excited to keep moving down the right become healthier and be more active with my children. I actually have lost 4 pounds and exercised more in the past 2 days thatn i have in the past 9 motivated~!


  • CDJones27
    CDJones27 Posts: 1
    Keep it up! I am new to MFP also. It is so much easier tracking everything this way. Good luck reaching your goals.
  • This site is wonderful and the people are so supportive! Feel free to add me if you'd like and good luck!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome lazatin!! Congratulations on your weight loss and exercise. Keep up the good work.
  • lissypriss
    lissypriss Posts: 157 Member
    I've been here for a week and LOVE IT!! Add me and we can support each other! :)
  • Terri_39
    Terri_39 Posts: 122
    Great to meet you!! I felt the same way when I first joined. I think it's an awesome tool and you get so much support here. Good luck on all your goals!!
  • lanie25
    lanie25 Posts: 42
    I just joined today too! Good luck to us both!
  • kelldoll
    kelldoll Posts: 14 Member
    WooT! wOOT! ANgie!!! Don't forget to download your iphone app. That's what I use throughout the day so that I have accountability at the touch of a finger!

    - Kelly (a.k.a., you're badgering friend!!! :laugh: )
  • jmwilk1106
    jmwilk1106 Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck!
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    You crazy lady...I don't have an iphone...for goodness sakes i still have dial-up on the computer!:laugh:
  • DANCEism
    DANCEism Posts: 1
    You may not have an iphone, but it is SOOO IMPORTANT that you track your daily calories! I switched to this site after trying a zillion others, because the iphone app made my calorie tracking so simple I've lost more in the last 3 days than the last 3 months! Only 3 pounds, but still, I think it's all from the calorie do whatever you have to do to get that done, and good luck!!!
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    I LOVE the calorie tracking....right after I eat I log in what i have eaten. i love to watch the numbers move and then if I really have bad looking number i tend to exercise to make them look good again.
  • ruthw123
    ruthw123 Posts: 1
    I am new to fitness pal too. I joined a long time ago but never used it. Starting fresh today.
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    just a quick question... I am new to mfp as well, and I can't figure out how to post to the forum. Can someone help me outwith that?
  • mel_21
    mel_21 Posts: 20
    hey! i joined a few days ago! feel free to add me for motivation! =) I find it difficult some times so talking to everyone on here is a MAJOR help!!

    I love how I can track my food and don't have to count things like when I was on weight watchers! this does it for me =)


    Mel x