eating at apple bees..the aftermath

Today my mom took my sister and I out for lunch at apple bees.i had lemon water,fries a few bbq boneless wings and nachos and a few chicken strips..i ate bad but it was yummy!! What exercises should I do tonight to burn off some of those calories and what should I eat for the remainder of the day?


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Any exercise will burn calories. There aren't any "Applebee's Exercises" that I'm aware of . LOL. Eat according to your usual plan the rest of the day, then get back on track tomorrow.
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    edited November 2015
    Why are you saying those foods are bad? They may be high calorie, but they aren't "bad" necessarily. You can burn like 300 calories off (depending on your weight and speed an such) with an hour speedwalk. I constantly walk to burn off a little extra so I can have the noms I want (all of which are good noms....because I want them)
  • soapsandropes
    soapsandropes Posts: 269 Member
    First step is to log it, then decide.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited November 2015
    If I go over goal for lunch, I just log it. If I feel like it, I may do a bit of extra walking in the evening. If I'm not very hungry, I'll have a lighter dinner. But other than that, life happens. You don't have to do extra exercises or make special plans for dinner.

    But don't think of this as "bad." It's a meal. There's nothing inherently bad about those foods, although the quantities may have put you over your goal for one day (and one day, in the context of losing and maintaining weight, is not very long).
  • cheesyP
    cheesyP Posts: 56 Member
    Lol thanks!!
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Any exercise will burn calories. There aren't any "Applebee's Exercises" that I'm aware of . LOL. Eat according to your usual plan the rest of the day, then get back on track tomorrow.

  • cheesyP
    cheesyP Posts: 56 Member
    Why are you saying those foods are bad? They may be high calorie, but they aren't "bad" necessarily. You can burn like 300 calories off (depending on your weight and speed an such) with an hour speedwalk. I constantly walk to burn off a little extra so I can have the noms I want (all of which are good noms....because I want them)
    Lol thanks! I might do an hour walk (:
  • cheesyP
    cheesyP Posts: 56 Member
    First step is to log it, then decide.
    If I go over goal for lunch, I just log it. If I feel like it, I may do a bit of extra walking in the evening. If I'm not very hungry, I'll have a lighter dinner. But other than that, life happens. You don't have to do extra exercises or make special plans for dinner.

    But don't think of this as "bad." It's a meal. There's nothing inherently bad about those foods, although the quantities may have put you over your goal for one day (and one day, in the context of losing and maintaining weight) is not very long.
    Thanks guys!
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Have you logged the foods in your diary yet? Make sure you know where you are in regards to your calorie goal before you panic. And you can't out-exercise a bad diet, so don't look at eating that way.
    If you eat over your calorie goal once in a while, it's not the end of the world.
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    My problem with Applebee's isn't necessarily the calories, but the fact that their food tastes so darn salty to me.

    Log what you can, see how many calories you ate and either do some exercise if you're over budget or relax and realize one meal isn't going to destroy you.
  • _Justinian_
    _Justinian_ Posts: 232 Member
    Applebee's has eight dishes that are all under 600 calories and are pretty good, too! (In my opinion.) I love their Savory Cedar Salmon dish.