My Worst Fear is Coming True.

hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
That's right.

I'm talking about the P-word.

No, not pregnancy!!


Now, I've done enough reading that I know how to bounce myself out of it.

But I'm just wondering, for those who have been stuck one a plateau before:

-How long were you on it, how much weight had you lost, and what weight were you stuck at?-

Also, if you'd like to throw in how you broke it, that'd be great, too!

I appreciate everyone's answers!



  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    I had lost 27 pounds- it lasted for 4 weeks. I increased my cals, increased my strength training cardio stayed the same and prayed over my scale before I got on it.(lol) It was discouraging but I was getting thinner even though mr scale's springs were stuck for a while.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    i was stuck just over 3 weeks... just at the point where i had lost about 45 pounds, and right before i would have hit being below the obese line in bmi *L*
    was frustrating!
    But i knew it would not last... i had lost enough that i was healthier and actually needed to take in more calories then! Once i started eating back at least 1/2 (usually more) of my exercise calories i started losing again after a few weeks and has been steady loss again ever since *S*

    good luck!
  • oxFaithxo
    oxFaithxo Posts: 160 Member
    I started this journey in January at about 173 i have lost 27lbs, i seem to get a plateau when ever i am approaching the next set of tens... so 161, 152, and it would last for 2 weigh in's (so two weeks) and i would get out of that digit...

    but it is just an observation i have made LOL
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    My TOM comes every 6 weeks. I lose ridiculous amounts of weight for 2 weeks, and then go on a long, drawn-out plateau for 4 weeks. I'm getting used to the stopping-and-starting, and don't really do anything to shake things up anymore... just wait for my TOM to come. I wish my TOM came every 4 weeks so I'd lose more weight!
  • Norma_24
    Norma_24 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi I got stuck on my plateau after I lost forty lbs. It lasted about 2 and a half wks! I was stuck at 187 but this morning i weighed in at 184. I broke it by trying a diffrent exercise program and by upping my calorie intake by about 100 extra calories it seemed to work for me. Hopefully you break yours quickly i know how fustrating it can be = )
  • TankiBabi
    TankiBabi Posts: 40 Member
    I started my weight loss journey at 280 pounds. Maybe more. I hit my first platue at about 264. I was there for about 3 weeks. I upped my routine and that got me out. However I am at 220 pounds now and I hit a platue almost every other week it seems. I have tried eating more. I just started eating my calories burned back ( been at that for a month). It doesnt seem to help me either way. I am just sitting through it and hoping for the best. I hope the best for you as well.
  • maureak
    maureak Posts: 107 Member
    I've had several plataus - the longest one lastest several months. What kept me going was that during those months, I continued to lose inches and dropped sizes.

    Each time, I made some kind of big change to my normal routine - i might throw in an extra intense work out or maybe a longer session of weights. Pushing myself extra hard always gets my weight loss going again.

    The first 20 pounds look 6 months and the last 5 pounds has also taken about 6 months - I would gain and lose the same 2 or 3 pounds for weeks before I would finally lose a pound for good.

    Keep checking your measurements and pay attention to how your clothes fit.
  • nhgirl30
    nhgirl30 Posts: 52 Member
    I was stuck for 6 months! I had lost 80 pounds. It was horrible I tried everything, then I changed my diet from the South Beach Diet to just counting calories. The weight started to come off again.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I've been stuck at the same weight for 6 months. I've lost 40lbs.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Hey girlie!

    Don't despair--it really will get better, even if it really is a plateau (I would worry if the scale didn't move for a few days, then I relaxed about it. I didn't even call this a plateau until the end of the 3rd week) Mine lasted about 3 weeks (I think I just broke through it today). I had lost about 28 lbs since the first week of March. I decided I needed to shake up my routines a bit. Most of my changes were in the past week--I upped the weights I do for strength training, tried a different cardio exercise that I hadn't done since I got so involved in my running, am trying to drink more than 80 oz of water every day, and am adding a little more calories (especially protein) into my meals earlier in the day. I'm also not eating all of my exercise calories back for a few days, although I wouldn't necessarily recommend that--I ate them back the first 3 months and lost 28 lbs doing that...but right now it's working for me. I only have 10-15 more lbs to lose and I think it is getting a little trickier now that I'm closer to my goal weight.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Well hopefully this doesn't stick!

    Thanks for all your comments, guys!!