Eating back burned calories?

sorry I'm new to this, but I've been seeing a lot how people are saying they are eating back their burned calories from exercising. I thought the whole point in loosing weight is to burn off the calories you ate, not eat them back. Doesn't that keep you from losing weight? Really confused here.....


  • PJS323
    PJS323 Posts: 115
    I don't get it either. I NEVER eat back my burned calories. How does that make any kind of sense? I thought the point was to eat healthy, exercise, and change habits that got us this way. Why on earth would you eat more just because you exercised? Are we not suppose to burn our stored fat?

    For me, I don't eat back my calories. I eat between 1250-1500 calories a day, and workout 6 days a week. I've had great success doing what I am doing, so I'm not going to change. Maybe you need to do what works best for you. I'm sure you'll do great.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    It seems to be different for everyone. If you search "eating exercise calories" you'll find several articles, threads and arguments about it. I personally, even on my good weeks, eat most of my exercise calories and am losing about a pound and a half a week. But, seriously, search it, you'll learn a lot.
  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    if i understand it right,say you have 1200 calories.that means if you just ate the calories then you would lose the weight. Then if you exercise it would go down to like 1000 calories and sometimes not eating enough calories can make you go into starvation mode and you will lose the weight but then when you start eating again you will store fat faster.if im wrong correct me anyone :)
  • gargoyle999
    gargoyle999 Posts: 117 Member
    One thing that took me a few weeks to understand is how MFP works. When you plug in you activity level, how much you want to lose per week, body info, etc it gives you a number that is a net calorie goal, not total calories you should eat per se.

    So the deficit you need each day to lose your weekly total is already built into the number you get. When you exercise above what your activity level is you can eat those calories back and still maintain the deficit already built into the number of net calories MFP gives you!

    I think the issue becomes eating too few calories and the negative impact it can have, starvation mode as mentioned. You can't just eat nothing and lose weight in a healthy way. Same thing with exercise I would think. Too much exercise and not enough fuel could lead to the same thing. You just need to maintain the deficit. For me wanting to lose 2lbs per week I need to eat 1000 calories less than I burn.

    So if I don't exercise I eat less. If I do exercise I can eat more. Just need to maintain the 1000 calorie deficit per day.
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    your body needs so many calories 2 keep it functioning properly so if u dont eat back ur some of the cals u burn off ur body goes in2 starvation mode and just stores all the fat and everything else that u eat. i usually burn 7-800 a day but eat back 2-300.
    hope these 2 links help.x
  • jmom1984
    jmom1984 Posts: 5
    Well, yes and no. With this site, they tell me that at the weight at i am now, I need to eat about 1200 cal a day to lose weight at a rate of about 1 pound per week. So if I burn 100 cal exercising and then also eat 100 more cal today, I should still lose weight. The more calories I burn, the more I can eat. And if I don't eat the ones I burn, I should just lose weight faster ( Like the way they do on Biggest Loser, burning a lot more than they eat!) It's a calories in , calories out theory. The more active you are, the more you can eat and still lose. Sometimes I eat the cal I burn, even exercising a lot if I know I want to go out to eat one day! And sometimes I just use them as a bonus weight loss boost, like when I go for a little 20 min walk, i may not eat any extra that day. Just make sure you are being safe and healthy. To lose weight at a healthy rate, you should eat most of what you burn. You weight loss will tell you if you're doing it right or not!
  • disneyval
    disneyval Posts: 18
    One of the things that makes MFP different is that you are encouraged to eat your burned calories b/c they are factored into your weight loss goals! For example, if you are allowed 1200 calories and you burn 300 calories by exercising, you are only eating 900 calories for the day. That's not enough!!! If you don't eat them, you risk slowing your metabolism and burning off muscle. Not to mention, getting really hungry and possible binge eating later! EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES AND ENJOY THEM - you earned them! Good luck! (:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Yes, you are technically supposed to eat the exercise calories back because the way MFP is set up, they have built in a deficit for you already when you enter your stats and your goals. If you don't eat your exercise calories back, you will have a larger deficit...but you may be really hungry, you may not have tons of energy, you can also have some weird stuff go on with your metabolism if you don't eat any of them back. I've tried both eating them back and not eating them back, at different times in my weight loss journey, and both have worked for me at different times.

    There are a ton of posts and threads on this topic. Everyone will have a different opinion, but in the end you gotta do what's right for your body. good luck!
  • jamiefire7
    jamiefire7 Posts: 50
    I know that the more I work out the hungrier I am during the day. I will eat back some of them but I try not to eat them all back. You can't let yourself be hungry...
  • ascrof
    ascrof Posts: 34
    i eat back half of my exercise calories and that seems to work for me