Anyone with Gastritis, GERD, hiatus hernia, reflux?



  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    I just wanted to give experience - I have gastritis, hiatus hernia and GERD and also had H Pylori. I took Nexium for 6 years (it shouldn't actually be taken long term) and it really helped my symptoms but I ended up with severe nutritional deficiencies and anemia. If you don't create any stomach acid it can be hard to properly digest foods.

    Nexium as @Machka9 said is really hard to come off - my symptoms got much worse and I had to taper off. I'm now off it and feeling pretty good - here is how I manage my symptoms

    - 150 Zantac once or twice a day
    - Relatively low carb diet and only easy to digest carbs - Check out Fast Track Digestion & FODMAPS
    - Easy on the caffeine and alcohol
    - Exercise daily and keep my weight healthy
    - No gluten or lactose (however I am intolerant)

    Good luck and congrats on your baby!
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Don't forget to avoid overly fatty and greasy foods. This will also aggravate GERD symptoms. Take your Nexium at least 1 hour before you eat not when you're eating or as you are sitting down to eat. Eating smaller meals will help especially with you having the hiatal hernia.

    Acidic foods in general should be avoided (not just tomatoes, but sour fruits, too vinegary things, etc.). The closer you are to a neutral pH for your food, the more comfortable you will feel after eating it. So any veggies except tomato is acceptable, but some fruit that may be really sour is to be avoided.

    For instant relief, you can grab Tums to help while your Nexium is kicking in. Hope this info helps! Good luck! :smiley:
  • McClimans13
    McClimans13 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm currently waiting for an appointment with a Rheumatologist. I had a vertical gastrectomy in August, and have been doing well. There have been a few times that I ate to late and had severe acid reflux. My problem is the pathology report showed that the Sarcoidosis is active in my stomach, and mentioned chronic gastritis, which I never knew I had. Still waiting for an appointment with Rheumatologist, they deal with the Sarcoidosis. I'm wondering if I should see a GI too. I have an appointment with my surgeon next week and will talk to them about the pathology report in depth. I'm on meds since the sleeve gastrectomy.