Actually feeling it...

When I started this journey of mine, I weighed in at 262 pounds.


There were slips, and bumps, and set backs. Months with no effort at all and months going hard. April 2014 I bought t25 and started that at 255 pounds.


I would only make it about 3 weeks at a time, always finding an excuse to stop, and then I would maintain for a month or so, then lose 8lbs, then maintain for a month or so, etc etc.

In March of this year, I decided that instead of freaking out over turning 30, I would focus on getting my weight under 200 pounds, for the first time since I was 19. I reached this goal with 20 days to spare, and am still going strong. This morning, my weight was 190.8. I've set my weight goal to 145, the high end of healthy BMI for my height, and once I hit that I plan to recomp, as I have more of a look and a feel I'm going for than a number.


What I am most excited about is this morning, I actually feel smaller. 10lbs ago, 20lbs ago, I still felt that I took up as much space as I did at 262. But the last couple of days I've really been noticing that My rolls are less substantial. I actually can tell that I don't take up as much space as I did 71.2 pounds ago. Its so weird to feel small! To buy large scrub pants and have them be almost too large...



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