A Question for those who use nutrisystem

DLDzioba Posts: 422 Member
I just bought a 5 day diabetic pack for nutrisystem (45$ from Walmart) and I had to buy groceries to supplement with the program (about 40$ because I was also out of some basics for my husband) This seems like a lot of money for not quite a week's worth of food for one, and I do know that some of that stuff I bought will last much longer (nuts, string cheese, peanut butter, cream cheese).

If I were to order the 28 day plan, which is around $200ish how much would I be looking at spending on supplemental items such as fresh produce?


  • thamm5
    thamm5 Posts: 11 Member
    Depends on you doesn't it? I usually go for frozen vegetables (I prefer the taste plus they cost less. for instance I can get up to two weeks worth of my veggies for less than $20. Can't do that on fresh....at least not in NYC) you could go cheaper with canned, but I prefer frozen. The yogurts and cheese sticks I buy in bulk. same for any added protein etc. so if you are spending about 200 a month on nutrisystem you really shouldn't be spending more than another 100 for your supplemental items. ( I actually spend less than that, but I tend to be more on the thrifty side.) I'm sure if you do not live in a city like ny where groceries can eat up half your money than you should be able to do it for even less.

    For me nutrisystem is actually saving money, But I do know that is not the case for everyone. :)
  • DLDzioba
    DLDzioba Posts: 422 Member
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I spend $300 a month on nutrisystem and I spend about 200 more a month on the add ins
  • DLDzioba
    DLDzioba Posts: 422 Member
    Oh my. I don't think I can do that.
  • m2marsh
    m2marsh Posts: 25 Member
    DL, you should be able to get on the cheapest NS plan for less than $300 per month. And you can get away with a lot less than $200 in the added stuff if you are a good shopper and don't go crazy with a ton of different things. If you keep it simple, it is way less. I saved money on NS because I used to stop for fast food all the time and ordered delivery pizza. Now I'm at my happy weight, and can tell you that NS sure worked for me! If you'd like to chat more with people on the plan right now, there is a large community here: ns-refugees.freeforums.net/
  • m2marsh
    m2marsh Posts: 25 Member
    Also keep in mind that Costco sells $100 NS gift cards for $80 any time. And several times a year they go on sale for much less than that. You can apply those to your orders.