Gym etiquette



  • milehighcritic
    A few more recommendations

    I always bring two t shirts . One to work out in and the other to change into for the ride home. I tend to sweat heavily on the treadmill.

    Change your workout clothes. I can't tell you how many times I see the same people in the gym wearing the same workout clothes three days in a row. I know maybe they are washing them each night.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    whats a lurcher?
  • kirkemorgan
    There is NOTHING wrong with a little grunting, if your training hard it just happens, there is a fine line though, I've heard it get stupid. Suprised no one has said this one, Clean up your weights, guys are the usual culprits. If someone leaves a bunch of 45s on the leg press the little old ladies come straight to me to pull them off.
  • kirkemorgan
    Lurcher=creepy person starring
  • FitCoachJen
    FitCoachJen Posts: 139 Member
    One more: the squat rack is for squatting. Not bicep curls, overhead presses, push-ups, etc.
  • kirkemorgan
    Holy *kitten* thank you for saying that,
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I can't tell you how many times I see the same people in the gym wearing the same workout clothes three days in a row. I know maybe they are washing them each night.
    For me workout clothes are purely functional, yet I'm very short so it's hard to find things that fit properly. If I find something that fits well and is comfortable, I go back and buy a few more of the same. Hope everyone doesn't think I'm working out in the same gear every day, that had never occured to me, UGH!

    Maybe I next time I do that, I need to buy the same stuff in different colours!
  • ninaws
    ninaws Posts: 42 Member
    When on a cardio machine, don't constantly peek over at the person next to you. I hate it when people look at my speed/RPM/level/etc. It makes me feel very self conscious!

    And I'm like TourThePast: I find some workout clothes that I like, I stock up. I have five or six of everything!
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Don't use the dumbbells right in front of the dumbbell rack. Move a few steps back so other people can grab weights in that area too. Also, please re-rack when finished.

    If any of you have been to the Bally's in Hollywood, you'll know that this is just a pipe dream!
  • Luthorcrow
    Luthorcrow Posts: 193
    1) Your cell phone should be off and locked in your locker. It's rude to talk on your phone in the gym and because every phone has a camera/video camera seeing a cell phone in the gym is a liability. If you can't shut it off for your workout don't go to the gym.

    2) Carry a small towel and wipe down the bench/machine when you are done.

    3) Benches/machines are not lounges. Get up and allow others to work a set in between your sets.

    4) Always be willing to spot others when asked.

    5) Know how to properly spot and ask the person what the person's plan is before they start (number reps, do they want help lifting the bar off the rack, etc).

    6) Grunt if you need to but don't be a drama queen/king about it.

    7) Re-rack your weights when done.

    8) Never tell someone how to do an exercise unless asked. Your expert opinion may not be that expert and unsolicited is rude.

    9) In the locker room, before you hit the shower, stack your dirty clothes under the bench not in front of the locker. You maybe blocking another person's locker.

    10) The squat rack is for squats nothing else.

    11) Keep the chit chat off the gym floor. That is what the lobby/lounge/juice bar is for.

    12) If someone is lifting in front of a mirror, do not walk between the mirror and them. They are not using the mirror for vanity but keeping their form.
  • SushiPunk
    SushiPunk Posts: 30 Member
    Put the floor mats, weights, exercise balls, ect back where they belong.

    Don't obsess in the mirror. My gym is small so the free weights are right in front of the mirror and a lot of people like to be right up against it when they lift and no one can get to the weights.

    If you are sweating a lot or you see someone else who is, don't worry about it. Its a gym and if people have problems with sweat it's probably not the best place to be.

    Don't be a bench hog. Once again I have a small gym with only a few weight benches and I have seen people stay on them for an hour straight.

    Wipe down your cardio machine. A lot of people on here are saying wipe down everything, but at my gym we don't wipe down a weight machine only used for 30 seconds or a minute for a set of reps and this seems to be the norm. Plus we would use an ungodly amount of spray and paper towels. I don't sweat, so there's nothing for me to wipe either. If you get something sweaty then do. I guess it also depends on how things are at your gym.

    Don't block where you scan/sign in at the front desk. If you need to talk to the receptionist then move away from the scanner.

    If you are going to put something valuable in the locker than use a lock. It would be nice to trust everyone, but I have seen a member get their purse stolen.

    Wear flip flops in the showers.

    If you have TVs at your cardio machines then turn them off when you are done. If not the staff has to come around and deal with it amongst many other closing duties when they are trying to go home.

    Just to add to an earlier comment of wearing same clothes. I tend to wear the same yoga pants to the gym just b/c they are tight and don't move around like all my other ones do and I can't find any other pair like them. I don't ever sweat, so there is no problem for me wearing them a few days in a row. They smell and look the same as the day I took them out of the washer. I don't think anyone notices either.
  • kirkemorgan
    Valuables in locker, I've worked at gyms that 7-8 lockers will get hit all at once. One guy will stand as a look out and the friend will use a huge screwdriver to rip open lockers. happened a few thimes. Gotta love the city.
  • Janelle_Teaches
    Valuables in locker, I've worked at gyms that 7-8 lockers will get hit all at once. One guy will stand as a look out and the friend will use a huge screwdriver to rip open lockers. happened a few thimes. Gotta love the city.

    I was wondering about that1! Should i just 'lock' things in my car such as purse and such?

    And thank you for the comment about sweating..I sweat a LOT! I also turn really red when just doing normal things :)

    All this has really helped..I know to wipe of machines, not block the mirrors, put things back, and not be self-conscious! :) thank you soo much!! If you have more suggestions..keep them coming!!
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Don't block where you scan/sign in at the front desk. If you need to talk to the receptionist then move away from the scanner.

    It truly is amazing how many people do this at my gym. It's as if no one else exists but them! :ohwell:
  • LeeLeeTunk
    LeeLeeTunk Posts: 84
    Lol, i think etiquette should be that if you are super slim and tall and pretty, you should be BANNED from wearing tight lycra crop tops and hot pants and then picking the treadmill NEXT TO ME!!!

    And people wonder why i quit the gym and start running outside lol!...

    lol!!! Loving this!
  • nanc94
    nanc94 Posts: 141 Member
    i agree with everyone's post....

    but my biggest complaint please keep your towel on when your changing after you shower or turn your body facing the lockers.....i dont want to walk in the locker room or have the locker next to you and able to see all you're junk...
  • crobinson53
    crobinson53 Posts: 164
    As a 17 year employee of the gym here is what works best :

    1. Have your I.D. out and ready ( even if we know you )
    2. Bring a towel to wipe up your sweat after using anything
    3. 30 min limit on cardio during peak hours ( off peak , as long as you like when others are not around )
    4.Women - Leave the makeup and attitude at home, your at the gym
    5. Men - leave the cologne at home and use deoderant, your at the gym
    6. Don't "love yourself' too much in the mirrors, it looks narcisstic
    7. Always, always,always...rerack your weights, no one like a cluttered gym
    8. If it's to heavy for you to put down softly, use lighter weight
    9. Don't bang the weight stacks on selectorized equipment
    10. If there is no soap in the showers, don't rip the dispenser off the wall...just let the front desk know and we will refill
    11. You bring reading materials, take them with you when you leave, not all over the floor where you just did cardio for 30 mins.
    12. Wear proper gym attire, no flip flops, it's a safety thing
    13. Be polite to others that may not know their way around the gym, help them and use the staff , that' what we are here for
    17.Limit cell phone use, we don't care about your conversation
    18. If your gym has a aerobics room and there is a sign that says " please do not enter while class is in session" ...don't enter.
    19. Men ( or women ) don't be a " lurcher " when women are in the yoga room ( seriously , why do I even have to metion this )
    20. HAVE FUN !!!!!!!!!

    I should print this list out and post it everywhere at the gym. Fantastic man, you nailed it right on the head.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    There are many sources of gym etiquette out there. You can just google "gym etiquette" and you'll get hundreds of hits. There are some hilarious youTube videos some guys made on this very subject. Good times...........
  • joeysrib
    joeysrib Posts: 158 Member
    When I'm at the gym, it is usually for a class, please don't chat during class, I would like to hear the instructions, not who your neighbor is sleeping with, and which hip they just had replaced.

    One other thing, if you see me there, please note, I always have my phone with me, but that is because my mama has Parkinson's and if she falls, I have to go pick her up, and my uncle has a bad heart, I take care of him too. So, don't be offended, if I have to drop everything and race out. I have told all of the instructors this, so they all understand.
  • Cheryl_Catrair
    Cheryl_Catrair Posts: 61 Member
    My tip would be not get hung up if someone is wearing the same thing several days in a row. I have 2 outfits that are my fave to wear. I honestly don't think most people would notice - I know I'm sure not keeping track of others clothing. As the saying goes... "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff"... Pun intended! ;-)