Herniated disc surgery?

elissa82 Posts: 5
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
hey, I just found out I have a seriously herniated disk and need surgery.. So long to workouts for awhile :( has anyone ekes on here had a discectomy with positive results? I'm kind of scared.. I want my active lifestyle back.


  • Marleneaa
    Marleneaa Posts: 16 Member
    I hope evrything goes very well for you! My daughter's friend's mom had it a few years back and was very happy. She was abl;e to get back to her busy life, camping and all.
    I avoided surgery for now. first did injection for disc in neck, it helped. When lower back went 2 yrs later I tried injections again, it was horrible. I got lucky acupuncture has really helped me.
    Have agreat night,
  • clausing
    clausing Posts: 1 Member
    The day before Thanksgiving 1998, I had a diskectomy (L4-5) at about 8:30 in the morning. By 6:00 that evening I was up walking around without pain for the first time in over 6 months. It made me wonder why I waited so long. I realize that not everyone has as good a result, but 12.5 years later the back is still doing great. Good luck.
  • slshawna
    slshawna Posts: 16
    I do physical therapy for low back/neck pain and I see that everyday! Have you tried spinal decompression? We see amazing results and it often saves people from painful surgeries! It is a great alternative...worth a shot :)
  • elissa82
    elissa82 Posts: 5
    Thanks so much! My herniation is from a fall 5 yrs ago, but recently got really bad.. All my docs say surgery is my only option at this point. I'm just scared. A relief from pain would be amazing, though. :)
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
    sure have!! my first surgery was a lamenectomy/discectomy on L4-L5, S1. it was a complete success! it took about 4 months to recover & i was good as new! so no worries.

    take the physical therapy & learn all you can.
    you'll do great!!

    dont let anyone scare you with their spinal fussion stories. thats a horse of a different color.
    i too have had a spinal fussion on L4-L5, S1. but thats because i reinjured my back from working in a steel factory.
    spinal fussion is a 50/50 crap shoot. i wasnt on the winning end & now im permantely disabled.
    but i still wouldnt have changed a thing as far as my first surgery, the lamenectomy worked!!

    everyone is different & it does depend alot on your care & your doctors, & ofcourse you!
  • Five years ago I had a laminectomy on L4 and L5. When i was released, the doctor told me i could walk so i did about 3 1/2 miles a day. (i worked myself up to it of course). five years later i see a trainer twice a week and workout every day *except my rest day* My trainer is exxcceelleennt at making sure i do nothing that can injure my back and I can honestly say I've never had back pain since working out with him. I am a nurse and it's hard to say 'no' sometimes to lifting patients but you have to realize that your health is more important and never ever lift more than you can handle. Message me with any questions, I'd be happy to answer. For me, having the surgery gave me freedom to walk. Before my surgery i was CRAWLING to the bathroom and laying in the shower floor to take a shower. I have completed 2 5K's this year and plan to do many many more!!

  • akunce
    akunce Posts: 29
    Don t know about discectomies but heard they work if disc is just slightly torn. I had a spinal fusion, actually I have a trilevel fusion! After the single one they had to fix two more levels! I ve had 8 surgeries already so if you can get away with just a discectomy I would try it! Fusion surgery sucks! And I m still in pain and have a limited area of motion! Makes working out difficult! Read up on the surgery! Theres a lot of information out there! Good luck and I hope all works out for you!!!
  • loriannmartin
    loriannmartin Posts: 209 Member
    i had lamenectomy on l4 l5 mine was not successful but i was misdiagnosed and it was let go for 9 months treated as sprain/strain when it was badly herniated no xrays or mri's till I pushed my physician for them so then he sent me to orthopedic doc.. no one wanted a mri or xray including chiropractor and physical therapy and my own doctor...ugh... i really think them pissing around it made things worse...mine re herniated now i am getting steroid injections which somewhat help . those are very uncomfortable wishing luck... not all go bad ... i have bad luck... take care
  • slshawna
    slshawna Posts: 16
    We hear that all the time...that docs tell people surgery is their only opition. A couple months ago I had a patient crawl literally crawl into the clinic and now you wouldn't believe the things he is doing! He even rides his motorcycle to treatment! Give spinal decompression a shot :) I live in Kansas but this is our website and it has a lot of helpful info www.aspirerehab.com You can read testimonials from patients :)
  • elissa82
    elissa82 Posts: 5
    Well now I am even more freaked out... I'm only 29. I don't want to be a cripple the rest of my life.
  • Gemini_at_36
    Gemini_at_36 Posts: 207
    Sorry to hear. I am just learning to appreciate an active lifestyle. Good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
    dont be scared. it will be fine! after the surgery you will be up & moving in no time!
    You will wonder why you didnt have it sooner.
    the best part is you get to show off your scar. REMEMBER SCARS ARE TATOOS WITH STORIES!! :D
    & if your herniated disc is L4, L5, then you will have fun showing it off. ~just wear low cut jeans. lol
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