New to my fitness pal

thismomhunts4106 Posts: 1
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I am new to this site. We are learning about nutrition in my Medical Assisting class. This web site was recomended by a felow student. Starting from today we are going to see who can lose the most weight by the end of class in Aug. Ive heard good things about this site, so I am very excited to get started.


  • jlbiles
    jlbiles Posts: 283
    Welcome to this site. I have found that the people are really nice and supportive.
  • Good for you! I find that the only time I lose any weight is when I make myself accountable for what I put in my body. This site is awesome!
  • lmsitta
    lmsitta Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck to you. I'm almost at the 1 month mark - keeping religious with the calorie accountability and exercising as well. At 12 pounds and have not weighed in yet for this week.
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