Leg Exercises

Melissa0824 Posts: 3
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
I have currently lost 80 pounds in the past 6 months and I'm having a lot of loose skin/fat on my legs - does anyone have any suggestions for exercises. I am currently using a stationary bike set on 5 resistance every day for 30 minutes a day.


  • Kdoran73
    Kdoran73 Posts: 12 Member
    Are you lifting weights also? If not, you need to start added weights. Learn to love squats and Lunges. Jump squats, Jump lunges and step ups. Great for the legs and you will love the results. Remember, it's all about balance. Twice a week try to add the weights in. Skiping a day in between. Good Luck!!!!
  • aristel
    aristel Posts: 110
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    unfortunately exercise won't help loose/extra skin, and it's hard to spot reduce, but you can improve your legs' appearance by toning them, as mentioned already: squats, lunges (try curtsy lunges), or step aerobics. To keep reducing extra padding, just keep doing your cardio - the first place we store fat is generally the last place we will lose it!!
  • madrv1
    madrv1 Posts: 4
    ditto on the weight training.... go light and work yourself to more weight. The fact is, when doing Squads and other leg exercises, they are more effective if you use weight you know you can lift. The trick is not on how heavier a squad you do but that you do them with the correct form... isolating the right muscle group and protecting your back, shoulder, and neck muscles.
  • Thanks everyone - I really appreciate the suggestions and will start testing them out! smile:
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Congratuations on your progress so far! Continue reducing your bodyfat and you should see your loose skin slowly go away. It takes time...

  • Is it loose skin? or just bodyfat, hopefully the second, because you can get rid of BF. Skin elasticity in genetic, but if you keep the weight off, intime the skin will get a bit tighter, as others are saying fill it out with muscle, and get correct coaching for squats from a trainer that really knows form. Competition Powerlifters would be the best to ask if no trainers are around.
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