sometimes i just need SWEETS!!!

Im tring to loose 10 pounds to fit into my wedding dress that cant be let out. im only suppose to have 1200 calories a day. but at night i just need sweets so bad i cant stand it!! lol iv tried fruit and atkins bars. but Krispy Kremes that i was stupid enough to bring in this house has been calling my name today! :S iv had 4, thats like 700 and some calories!...oh well i guess ill just slack off tomorrow ;)


  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Hmmm, 4 krispy kremes? Sounds like tomorrow's a work out day!! Not a slack off day!
  • I totally understand on the sweet thing!!! Chocolate is my downfall in life! I learned something key from a good friend of mine who has kept 80 lbs off for almost 2 years and looks WONDERFUL. She said she never gave up her sweet needs, she just learned to eat a correct portion of them. She said she knew if she ever denied herself something she wanted badly that she would fall off her diet horse. Obviously that frame of mind worked for her and continues to work!
    I hope her words of wisdom help you!

    Many good lucks sent your way to get in that dress!
  • floozieq
    floozieq Posts: 11
    Have u tried popcorn sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. A tsp or so of sugar won;t kill your diet and the popcorn is a mute question.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I know how you feel. Sugar is my favorite food group. Good luck to you.
  • JenInAustin
    JenInAustin Posts: 53 Member
    Yikes! KK are the devil :p
    My experience is that it really is an addiction and the first 10 days without the sugar will hurt. If you can get over that hurdle, it really REALLY gets easier.

    One other thing that for some of us is an issue is if you have poly-cystic ovarian syndrome. Those of us with it have a particularly hard time with that!
  • I am the exact same way. I can eat super healthy and sweets is always my undoing. I've managed to do well so far by fixing my craving with skinny cow ice cream sandwiches. They are pretty good and the portion is decent enough that I actually fill like my sweet tooth is satisfied!

    Also, I am trying to fit back into a wedding dress as well. :) You should friend me and we can help each other reach out goals. Oh also I picked up some low fat (can't remember the particulars) kettle corn. That helps too for snacky type cravings.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    you can do it.never stop trying. I had to give up donuts, totally. I might have one once a year. I would never, ever bring home a box of them, especially not krispy kreme, yum. I agree tomorrow needs to be a hard workout day and a lower calorie day to compensate. I will also tell you a secret, it's okay to throw food away. Even if you just bought it. so you had a moment of weakness and brought them home. toss them. ate one? still time to toss them. I have been known to get a MINI DQ blizzard and eat half of it and toss it. if you cant stand it buy ONE krispy kreme, take one bite, savor it, then toss it.
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    Yeah, I don't buy sweets any more for that reason. If I want something sweet, I will buy ONE of whatever it is I want and be done with it. Otherwise, I use dried fruit to satisfy my cravings.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Been there, done that! Except instead of Krispy Kreme, it's cupcakes or ice cream! :bigsmile: I have a big sweet tooth also! It's really true that the less you eat of those sweet treats, the less you crave them. But, it's been a slow process for me. I've learned (and it's taken me a year to figure this out), that I am NOT someone that can portion control treats like that. So, if I'm going to treat myself to something, I have to buy one cup of frozen yogurt or one cupcake, etc. If I bring more than one serving in the house, I will eat more than one serving! If you are the same way, I suggest not keeping stock in the house; just treat yourself to ONE treat after you've had a really good week or something like that. Start to look for healthy sweet snacks that will satisfy you. Fruit? Fruit & yogurt? Sugar free puddings with cool whip? Find something that will satisfy that sweet craving without doing all the damage!
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    you can do it.never stop trying. I had to give up donuts, totally. I might have one once a year. I would never, ever bring home a box of them, especially not krispy kreme, yum. I agree tomorrow needs to be a hard workout day and a lower calorie day to compensate. I will also tell you a secret, it's okay to throw food away. Even if you just bought it. so you had a moment of weakness and brought them home. toss them. ate one? still time to toss them. I have been known to get a MINI DQ blizzard and eat half of it and toss it. if you cant stand it buy ONE krispy kreme, take one bite, savor it, then toss it.

    I do that with candy bars. I will cut it in half and before I take the first bite I will chuck the other half down the garbage disposal!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    you can do it.never stop trying. I had to give up donuts, totally. I might have one once a year. I would never, ever bring home a box of them, especially not krispy kreme, yum. I agree tomorrow needs to be a hard workout day and a lower calorie day to compensate. I will also tell you a secret, it's okay to throw food away. Even if you just bought it. so you had a moment of weakness and brought them home. toss them. ate one? still time to toss them. I have been known to get a MINI DQ blizzard and eat half of it and toss it. if you cant stand it buy ONE krispy kreme, take one bite, savor it, then toss it.

    I've done this twice this week! McDonald's caramel sundae. I eat about half. The dogs love it!!!
  • Josephine237
    Josephine237 Posts: 72 Member
    Eating protein with a small amount of carbohydrates helped me curb my cravings for sweets. Protein helps you digest sugars slower , so you don't have the spike of sugars and then crave more. Greek yogurt is a good snack.
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    When's your wedding? I can totally relate - I've got a horrible sweet tooth!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I find that when a person deprive themselves of things that's when they hurt themselves and later feel guilty. Don't deprive yourself of anything that you like.

    You have to have power over what you put in your mouth and not let the food have power over you.

    You have to train yourself to behave. Please no one take this the wrong way. If a human can train an animal how to do things, they surely can train themselves.

    Buy mini candies, snacks, etc. Thank goodness for mini things. 100 calories cookies, etc.

    Again, please no one take this the wrong way. Exercise will not fix deprivation.
  • Cheermamasita
    Cheermamasita Posts: 40 Member
    Don't dwell on the donuts, move on, they were good but now your done! I crave sweets too, I will cut a candy bar in 1/2 and save the other 1/2 for another time, it is very calorie dense and not much nutritional value. But that is a choice that I will make sometimes. Just get back on the healthy track and keep your eye on the dress! Don't give up, count on yourself to make the right choice at least 95% of the time.