So upset

jamainicole Posts: 19
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss

I am so depressed because I have 100 pounds I need to lose and I just have absolutely no motivation! I can't find anyone to go to the gym with me and I am just sad all the time!

I had a baby 8 months ago maybe I am having post partum depression? I don't know but it's so bad!

I really want to have the gastric sleeve but I know it's the easy way out. I can't get approved credit wise and I don't have anyone who will cosign. I guess I could save up but that would take a decade!

Has anyone ever been this down and depressed?

Does anyone know where to find a chart for weightwatchers with weight and points , like how many you're supposed to by a day? (without spending the money)



  • :cry:

    I am so depressed because I have 100 pounds I need to lose and I just have absolutely no motivation! I can't find anyone to go to the gym with me and I am just sad all the time!

    I had a baby 8 months ago maybe I am having post partum depression? I don't know but it's so bad!

    I really want to have the gastric sleeve but I know it's the easy way out. I can't get approved credit wise and I don't have anyone who will cosign. I guess I could save up but that would take a decade!

    Has anyone ever been this down and depressed?

    Does anyone know where to find a chart for weightwatchers with weight and points , like how many you're supposed to by a day? (without spending the money)

  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    If you think that you may be dealing with post partum depression you really should look at getting help, remember, it is an actual treatable condition. Just getting treated for that can make the world of difference and once your feeling more like you again it will probably be easier to find that motivation you are looking for.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • kolbif
    kolbif Posts: 83
    I am so sorry you're feeling this way! I know how the motivation thing goes - sometimes I have some and sometimes I have none. I feel like giving up and not trying anymore. I have been eating better and exercising 5 times a week and haven't lost a pound (or an inch!) It gets very frustrating. :mad:

    All I can say is to hang in there. That's all I can do, too. Try it. See how it goes. Log your food - sometimes that is motivation in itself. (holy cow - there's how many grams of fat in this little, tiny piece of cheesecake??!!) :noway: Try exercising a little.

    I have a treadmill and I put pictures in front of me out of a magazine that has skinnier girls on them to motivate me. I think of the people in my life that I DON'T want to look like. I crank up the music and I just walk and walk until I can't anymore. Oh, and The Biggest Loser is really motivating to me, too!

    Try to stay positive - you can do it!!!!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    I get depressed all the time. I hate the way I look, but I don't do anything about which makes me even more depressed. I still struggle with it everyday. You are not alone.

    Good luck and we can do this.:flowerforyou:
  • logiesmom
    logiesmom Posts: 142
    Please don't get discouraged. I have a little over 100lbs to lose and I just started Friday. I have just been watching what I eat but I haven't started exercising yet. I suffer from depression due to many things in my life. I know that it is hard. But you can get so much support and motivation on this site. I am doing this alone and work with a bunch of skinny women that can eat whatever they want. :grumble: Talk about sad, but I am doing the best I can everyday. I take it day by day and that is all you can do. Don't give up!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member

    I am so depressed because I have 100 pounds I need to lose and I just have absolutely no motivation! I can't find anyone to go to the gym with me and I am just sad all the time!

    I had a baby 8 months ago maybe I am having post partum depression? I don't know but it's so bad!

    I really want to have the gastric sleeve but I know it's the easy way out. I can't get approved credit wise and I don't have anyone who will cosign. I guess I could save up but that would take a decade!

    Has anyone ever been this down and depressed?

    Does anyone know where to find a chart for weightwatchers with weight and points , like how many you're supposed to by a day? (without spending the money)

    Hey Girl:flowerforyou: Just stick around here and have fun with us!! Depression SUCKS:angry: no matter what the cause, like proudmama shared if you feel it might be to much for you, check in with the doc for sure! I'm on anti-depressants and it helps alot, if that's indeed what you end up needing, just snag the type with no weight gain effects.

    But back to you and wanting to lose you can see by my ticker it can be DONE! Pick one little thing to concentrate on about water? That's a good place to start....try and fill up the glass each time you think of it and before you know it you'll have at least 8 glasses of water in today!

    5-6 mini meals can help alot ...that way you're eating about every 2 hours or so healty snacks you can preplan your meals and snacks on this site. One thing that TRULY does help kick out the depression is excercise. Whether it be vacumning or making the bed, anything to get you moving...look back and write it all down what you've done and you'll begin to see that you are getting an awful lot's amazing when looking at it that way!:flowerforyou:

    When the baby is down, you can do wall pushups...or leg lifts while doing dishes...all excercise is good for can really boost the seritonin in our brain which is what we can often get depleted of and then poof, that's how the depressoin gets started. How about turn on some jazzy music and with the baby while it's up. Gets you both some fun silly time together and will make you both smile.

    K...get back to us on how some of these ideas work? But seriously consider checking in with your doc about YOU and not just how Baby is doing...k? Because how you feel is so very impoortant not just for the baby but for YOU!!

    You deserve good thing Hon...we all do!

    Keep posting, on the good days, the bad days the days in between... you'll always find someone here to listen and so many of us have been in bad spots that we can relate so much to others feeling the same way:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    Hang in there i also have 100 lbs to lose. I previously lost some only to gain it back and that is way depressing. I have so much felt exactly like what you are describing as far as the no motivation. What i did was start slow, the first couple days i concentrated on just not over eating. Then I started exercising like 5 min a day then the next day i would up it by 5 and so on. I am only up to like 20 min now but it is what i have to do. I am so determined to get to my goal this time. I am finally starting to feel like I want to do this. At first though I had to force myself to get back on track. It seemed like the more i wanted to not eat the more i ate. Think positive. I know how hard it is but if a negative thought comes to my mind like I am so fat, i immediately counter that with, I am doing something about it and wont' be fat forever. It gets easier to think positive with practice. If I feel depressed to many days 3 or more, i call my Dr and make an appt. i have suffered from clinical depression since i was 16, i am now in my forties and just in the last couple years did they find the right treatment for me and it has made a world of difference. You are not alone. Glad you're here and keep coming back, things will get better.:flowerforyou:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Have you talked to your spouse about the way you are feeling? I think you need to turn to him so he can see that you are more than just depressed about your weight. Hiding that from a loved one can take longer to heal.

    And you don't need WW to lose weight. I lost 40 lbs with WW and gained it all back. I have lost 72 lbs with calorie counting (which is FREE) and have maintained it for 2 years now.
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    Welcome to MPF:flowerforyou:
    First and foremost: if you are depressed and it has been for more then 2 weeks you need to see your doctor. There are a lot of new and better anti depressants out there (there is even one that helps with weight loss)and you don't have to suffer with that desease.
    There is a lot of great information on this website ( read the newbie treads) and great help and support is given by the members here. The best thing :love: :it is all free (THANK YOU MIKE) and you don't have to join a gym in order to loose weight, all you have to do is track your calories, be informed and get moving.:bigsmile:
    I have suffered with bouts of depression since I was a teenager:ohwell: and have been on meds a couple of times. Right now I am doing well without, but if it comes back I wouldn't hesitate to get back on them.
    I hope that this info helps you a little and here is to happy days:drinker:
  • Coach2010
    Coach2010 Posts: 209
    Hey, hang in there and look to this website for inspiration and encouragement for the long haul.

    Not sure about the 100 lbs. target, but you know what you want to achieve; that said, that's where I'd encourage you to focus in on. In other words, one of the keys to stepping out of being depressed is your mindset. If you can agree with yourself that you can improve your abilities and accomplishments through purposeful effort, you will make your goals. That's a growth mindset.

    I think it's a great idea to do some exercises at home while the baby rests, or stationary.

    Exercise link shared earlier that you can do at home ;-)

    Weight Watchers links

    Be at peace, and know that you're not alone in I need a breakthrough with my weight that I haven't been able to make since forever ago...but I keep trying :happy:

    PS> I highly suggest you reconsider any expenses that require taking out a loan, as in the long run, at this time, increased debt is not recommended.
  • Coach2010
    Coach2010 Posts: 209
    By the by....your baby is cute as all get out!

    Reminds me of how proud I was when my Son was born...back in 1986!
  • Innerglow
    Innerglow Posts: 1,074 Member
    I also had a baby about 10 months ago and i feel that way all the time! I joined this site about a month ago, but i didn't start getting serious until about 2 weeks ago and i've already lost 9 lbs. I'm in the same boat to cause i also need to lose about 100 lbs to be healthy. So if you need motivation i'm your girl!!! You can do it and from personal experience this site is much easier then weight watchers. You have to hold yourself accountable for every bite of food you put into your mouth, no matter how small! I can also tell you that i am an emotional/boredom eater and it has been hard but i am dedicated to losing this weight..... Losing weight for people like us is more of a mental battle then anything else, so get yourself prepared and when you're ready you will find your fighting spirit!
  • Wow I am so surprised at how many posts I got back. Thank you guys sooo much! It means the world.

    I have a membership at the Y I just need the motivation to get out and do it.

    The reason I asked about weight watchers is because I wanted to go out and by all the meals and eat them mainly because then I know for SURE how many calories I'm eating.

    I do have Wellbutrin for my depression but I haven't been taking it regularly ( I know, bad me).

    I am going to start taking it consistently like I am supposed to and see if that helps otherwise I am making a Doc's Appt.

    Is there anyone on here who would like to be online work out buddies? hehe.

    Like go at the same time ( is that weird?) I think that would really help!

    :D Let me know!
  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member
    One step at a time....breathe. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I too have many many dozens of ounts to lose- somewhere around 100...
    If I look at it like that its like trying to wash the does one even wash the world? One section at a time!!
    Start doing whatever you can, however you can, whenever you can right now. Dont look for perfection, look for progress. Make your first goal to lost 5 pounds...or 3 pounds...or 1 pound. We all have to start somewhere, right?
    Even i fyou have to set ONE tiny goal/step per day, that's a good start. Like " I will drink 16 ounces of water today" or " I will not have a second roll at dinner" something to that effect that will not be terribly noticable.
    I'd say 99% of this whole battle for many people is mental- mine too. Start off small as you need to and work your way up!! You can do this...we are SO here holding your hand!! :flowerforyou:
  • genabug
    genabug Posts: 1,820 Member
    Wow I am so surprised at how many posts I got back. Thank you guys sooo much! It means the world.

    I have a membership at the Y I just need the motivation to get out and do it.

    The reason I asked about weight watchers is because I wanted to go out and by all the meals and eat them mainly because then I know for SURE how many calories I'm eating.

    I do have Wellbutrin for my depression but I haven't been taking it regularly ( I know, bad me).

    I am going to start taking it consistently like I am supposed to and see if that helps otherwise I am making a Doc's Appt.

    Is there anyone on here who would like to be online work out buddies? hehe.

    Like go at the same time ( is that weird?) I think that would really help!

    :D Let me know!

    Wellbutrin is one of the meds you HAVE to take everyday. You also can not quit it cold turkey, you have to wean yourself slowly. You need to start healing your mental well being, and the rest will fall into place.
  • I can def. tell I need to be taking it and the effects when I take it one day and then not the other. My moods have been all over the place- very irritable with my husband (poor guy!)

    Thank you everyone :):heart:
  • Depression runs in my family on my moms side. We have lost family members to it. I was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder when I was around 20 or so. I've been on several medications for it and so has my mother. This being said, I can assure you haveing been there too many times to count that it DOES get better. It may get bad again but ALWAYS try too keep it in your mind that no matter how bad it gets it gets better. Talk seriously with your doctor about it and be very honest with them. Try to remember that each day is the greatest gift even if it's a crappy day make the most of it.
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Watch the frozen meals because they are packed with sodium. I do eat some of the Smart ones sometimes but not all of the time because of the sodium in them. I had a baby about 17 mths ago and I started with having 150 lbs to lose. It will get easier as you go along. I still have over 100 to lose but I am slowly getting there which is healthier anyhow. There are tons of people on here who will support you. I go to my local rec center where they have all the exercise equipment there but mostly I go to the classes. I go to step classes and they are alot of fun. I am the biggest one in the class and there are some really skinny women in there but they aer all so great with me. It doesnt even faze me that I am the biggest one in there and if I need to slow down then I just step off and walk around for a minute.

  • Hi
    I have 100 pounds to lose to and even though my children are grown up it is hard. Please go and get checked for p.p. it is the worst that you can feel but exercise and a good doctor will change your thought process.

  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    i have 180 pounds to lose, and i have been so sad that i couldn't even get out of bed. you might want to take a look at my blog:

    it's not just about my journey with food addiction, but also about digging myself out of the hole of depression. it's as simple as doing small things everyday that make you happy, righting down ANYTHING that happened that day that made you happy and made you feel good about yourself, and being greatful for everything in your life. you would not believe the difference it will make to your happiness and your slef esteem.

    i would not recommend surgery because when you are done, you have to eat healthy and exercise to lose wieght and maintain th weightloss, so what can't you just do that to begin with?
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