
I want to start running. I am not exactly the "ideal" body for a runner. I have a cousin who is the flatter chested twig long legged body types. She probably will run over 20 marathons this year. she is a runner haha. I just want to once say i've ran on or even a 5k. I was wondering how to get started at training for this from square one. i have a track that the public can use in my community. I have no friends though that want to embark on this journey with me. I think i can convince my mom to walk the track while I run it, but i need motivation and support. I have no idea where to start. Is there a certain way to breath? I usually run with music, is this a good idea? Should I go for distance to begin with or should i just focus on running so many minutes? haha I'm at a completely losss


  • seekingbodilypeace
    Have you seen the couch to 5k program? It is pretty cool.
  • pprbckwrtr
    pprbckwrtr Posts: 2 Member
    I have been doing the Couch to 5k program, and it is fantastic. It basically gradually moves you up from walking a lot and jogging a little to jogging a lot to jogging a whole 5k. I'm on week 5 :) I am much larger than you and have run a few half marathons, but after an injury I decided to do C25k and it is a great motivating tool and is really fun! And several different websites have the plan for free, and the website Running Into Shape has podcasts with music and a voice over telling you when to walk/when to jog.

    Try it out! Several of my friends at work have been doing it too and we are doing a race together on July 4th! :D

    Good luck!
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    Well this subject could have so many answers lol. First of all you should run and record your time and distance to see where you start. Whatever feels comfortable I suggest that you work up from there or enroll in one of the 5k programs that will slowly build your progress.
    You do not have to be a certain body type to run. Running is for anyone and everyone. we each have our own technique that works for us. Don't let the comparison of other runners keep you from achieving your goals. Running is a great investment not just physically but mentally. I don't mind to answer any questions that you may have. Good Luck and happy running! :0)
  • nharr002
    nharr002 Posts: 22 Member
    I think that anybody can become a runner. I have always been pretty active but never considered myself a runner. I think that having music is an amazing idea. I would recommend trying out the "couch to 5k" program. You can google it to get more information. When I decided that I wanted to start running, I tried the C25k program. I got maybe to the day where you run 4 minutes, walk one, and I realized that I was in my zone with my music playing and next thing I know, I had been 30 minutes. Running is all about mind over matter. At least it is for me. My chest and legs will usually burn within the first 10 minutes, but if you push past that, you'll feel like you're floating, or gliding. ;) Just find music that works for you and get into the zone. It will take some work and getting used to, but you can do it! Good luck! :D
  • jdubsmuscle
    Definitely do the c25k program! I love it - just pace yourself, some people can move right along and others need to repeat a week occasionally. Don't let that discourage you if it happens. Just listen to your body. I believe it's possible for most of us to become runners. In fact, I read a quote not to long ago that said "putting on your shoes and taking that first step make you a runner." Just keep that in mind and best of luck to you!
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    Hi, great suggestions so far. I strongly recommend going to a running store, that is, a locally owned store that specializes in running footwear, and have yourself fitted for a great pair of running shoes. If there is none in your town, I would think it's worth it to travel to the nearest larger town and get a pair there. Then start out slow, walk, run, walk, run, gradually increasing the time you run and decreasing the time you walk. Do a search for Jeff Galloway and pick up on information and advice he has for beginning runners. And if you can, try to find a local running group. Sometimes churches have them, sometimes colleges or other organizations. A running store should give you information. If there are none in your local area, try the closest large town. Do a search for the name of the larger town, followed by "running club," and you will likely get a hit. Then contact them and find out if they know of a group in your area. When starting out, getting the feedback and input from a group is really good. But in the long run, if you can't find a group or any partners, have no fear. Just start slow and build. You will love it. Good luck and happy trails!
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    Get some shoes. Get a great bra. Get some great music. and if you can a great friend to keep you out there on days you dont want to be.
    Couch to 5K is WONDERFUL! Also if you can. Please sign up to volunteer at a race. You will be so AMAZED at the people who "run" them. There are all types of body types, ages and so on out there. You can do a 5K. My 1st 10K yrs ago. I finished almost dead last with a 70 yr old man and a guy in his late 20's. All 3 of us finished together with the truck picking up the cones behind us. Years later I finished my 10K in 50 mins.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Would recommend the couch to 5 k. I am on week 5 and have gone from struggling to run over 3 mins to now running for 20 mins. Its very liberating and the first. Few mins sting but after that as someone has already mentioned I feel like im gliding. Go for it.i use the running into shape podcasts that I downloaded. Good luck :)
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    you can do it!!!

    if you cant get someone to go with you, go alone and just listen to music. I prefer running alone as its precious time to myself