What was your "rock bottom" moment?



  • Obnoxa
    Obnoxa Posts: 187 Member
    neil11111 wrote: »
    Fatal heart attack. I lay dead on the ER table for 6 minutes while the med team did CPR and shocked me multiple times with the paddles. Miraculously I lived and have lost 53lb and gotten myself into great shape. The thought of leaving my wife and kids behind was more than I could bear.

    That's a hell of a wake up call. Glad you are still here to listen to it and are on the right path! :)
  • DLDzioba
    DLDzioba Posts: 422 Member
    2 different ones here.

    A few years ago I went out on the lake with family and we took a break and went swimming for a bit. I couldn't get back on the boat... It took my father and my uncle using a towel and a rope to help me back into the boat. I lost about 30 pounds after that. But I gained them back and they brought friends.

    A few weeks ago I had to take a CPR and first aid class for my work. I passed... barely. I was sore for days after but the really horrifying thing was I kept toppling over whenever I leaned down to do breaths on the dummy. I wanted to go crawl in a hole.
  • rezgrl
    rezgrl Posts: 7 Member
    Mine was when I reached 300 lbs , nothing fit and I could not walk up steps without breathing heavily. Now I sprint up the steps.
  • DLDzioba
    DLDzioba Posts: 422 Member
    rezgrl wrote: »
    Mine was when I reached 300 lbs , nothing fit and I could not walk up steps without breathing heavily. Now I sprint up the steps.

    I'm not up to sprinting yet but steps and hills have gotten a lot easier lately. I need to start back at the gym to make them that much easier. Way to go.
  • Lili22290
    Lili22290 Posts: 3 Member
    After I had my son. I gained so much weight and I had post partum. Couldn't bear how I felt so I started out slow. I just thought if I can lose the weight that I gained after the pregnancy I'll be happy and I did plus some! I'm smaller than I have ever been.
  • chickiechickie
    chickiechickie Posts: 27 Member
    I've had several.

    At 19, it was before going to college and realizing I had gone from 140 to 160 because I was an online student and didn't get enough exercise. I managed to drop to 140 again.

    At 23, it was realizing that over the course of my 4 year relationship, I had sunk into a deep depression and rocketed up to 180 pounds! I didn't know I had gained that much until I had to complete my physical education requirement at school and signed up for personal training. On day one, he had me weigh myself. I had to tell this fit trainer that I was 180 pounds... I dropped to 135.

    I held that until I was almost 26. Then I started working a retail job and my boss was verbally abusive. I tried to brush it off but after a few months of this plus grueling physical work and customer abuse, I snapped and started binging again. I was so stressed and tired that I began eating at work in our cafe and here I am now, at 150 pounds. The moment when I really saw how bad I looked - I'm only 5'3" so it doesn't take much extra weight - was when a picture was taken of me at work. I saw it online later and was like, "Whoa. Omg. I look like that? No no no no no."
  • TriciaSmith2015
    TriciaSmith2015 Posts: 66 Member
    Listening to the doctor as he went over my family history, and that I needed to lose weight.
  • lilsara411
    lilsara411 Posts: 12 Member
    4 months ago when I suffered a massive heart attack and had a quadruple bypass at 33. :/ I realized I have to make a huge change in life so I can be around for my family. Add me if you'd like.
  • Threedays76
    Threedays76 Posts: 1 Member
    Getting on the scale 3 weeks ago and finding that I had regained the 77lb I had worked so hard to lose. I ran 20+ races during my weight lose journey. Now, I can no longer run and I'm going to be 40 in less then 2 months. I want my health back.
  • When the stretch marks appear. I'm 18, too young to have stretch marks! I always try to hide behind my height, never really acknowledging my weight. I'm 5'10" for an Asian that's pretty tall, so I always tell myself I'm tall not fat. The stretch marks were really a wake up call for me. Although it's pretty petty compared to the experiences on top but yeah stretch mark did it for me.
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    I hadn't weighed myself in a long time and when I finally got on the scale it registered 230. That is more than my husband who is 6'3" and my father. That was definitely the bottom for me. I felt completely helpless.
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    My first rock bottom was years ago when my son weight 89 lbs and I couldn't lift him, but I was more than 89 lbs overweight. It hit me like a ton of bricks that I was "carrying him" 24/7. I lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time, but did it in a stupid way and gained it all back and more.

    Second rock bottom was a few weeks ago, when I was lying in bed having chest pains. I was really scared and knew that if I was having a heart attack it was my own fault for not taking better care of myself. That's when I decided to make my health and weight a priority. (Also that night when I was having chest pains, not wanting to call 9-1-1 because of how embarrassed I'd been when it took 3 strong EMT's to get me off the floor when I'd been injured. I don't know why THAT wasn't a wake-up call, but it wasn't at the time.)
  • fitgirldrw81
    fitgirldrw81 Posts: 11 Member
    My rock bottom was when I tried to find a dress to wear at my niece's wedding and the wedding aftermath. I work in the medical field so I always wear comfy loose fitting scrubs. You know, the kind with the drawstring waistband that you can just let out a little when they get a tiny bit snug. I knew I had gained weight but didn't realize how much. None of my dresses or "special occasion" clothes fit at all. My mother and her side of the family are large women and I remember telling my skinnier teen self I was never going to get like that. Pictures from the wedding started showing up on social media and I looked just like my mother. Big belly, flabby arms, double chin, the works. I was embarrassed to be tagged in them. I got on the scale and saw 240 Lbs flash across the display. That was the moment I realized I needed to change things in my life.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    not sure i've ever associated it with "rock bottom" but basically i had some really effed up blood work that needed to be addressed if i wanted to live a long and healthy life and be able to watch my boys become men and spend my retirement years doing stuff rather than laid up in a hospital bed.
  • carlysuzanne85
    carlysuzanne85 Posts: 204 Member
    From my teenage years on, I was always gaining and losing the same fifteen pounds, always feeling a little chubby but pretty under control and (I know now) at a healthy weight most of the time. I'm 5'2" and my heaviest in college was 160. My college boyfriend was a depressed over-eater; I have those same tendencies myself and when we lived together, we really just brought out the worst in each other as we were both very unhealthy mentally and physically. After he and I broke up shortly after college, I lost 40 pounds and was down to 120. Through that, I found I'm most comfortable around 130 and I maintained that or close to it for a few years. Fast forward to age 28, I had a big, long-term breakup and moved out on my own and basically started my life over completely. I gained a good bit of weight (didn't weigh myself so I'm not exactly sure, but at least one pants size's worth) in the first six months after our breakup and then lost most of it (my current profile pic is that exact before and after) as I adjusted to my new life. However, at age 29, I gave into a lot of other life stresses and changes and gained all that weight back and then some. I was definitely in denial as to how much weight I was gaining until I had to go to the doctor two months ago. I weighed in at 169, the most I've ever weighed; I had promised myself years ago that I would never even approach that previous high of 160 again. I felt disgusted with myself and just incredibly frustrated that I have to lose this weight AGAIN. That was a big wake up call. Since then, I've gotten back into my healthier habits and am trying to be patient as I know the weight will take time to come off! I'm hoping my 30's will be the decade of maintenance :)
  • 13bbird13
    13bbird13 Posts: 425 Member
    The day I realized that only one pair of pants would zip... a pair that's falling off my hips when I'm at my goal weight. And I also had to chuck two other pairs of pants where the inner thighs had worn holes from friction. When I was in high school I used to wear holes in my pants too, but it was always hipbone holes in the front pockets... that's not a problem anymore.
  • Paulina1230
    Paulina1230 Posts: 215 Member
    When my doctor told me I had cirrhosis of the liver and it was caused from years of being overweight and eating fast food. My choices were.....lose weight and cut out fats, sugar, and alcohol....or face a liver transplant in my future. Im happy to say I chose the first alternative. Down over 60 lbs and am excersising almost everyday. Even started running. I feel great and although I wont know till my ct scan next month if all this hard work has really made a difference......I can say for sure that my liver pain is gone and it feels softer, (it used to feel like a baseball in my gut), and I feel sooooo much stronger.
  • KevinPsalm23v4
    KevinPsalm23v4 Posts: 208 Member
    This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the MFP Friends who help make this place a safe place to share such intimate details as what we shared here!
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    My rock bottom was finding out I was pregnant and that my child would not survive if I didn't start to eat. I weighed just under 6 stone at the time. I'm large frame and 5ft 4.
    I was fitted with a TPN, a feeding tube really. I was pumped with almost 3000 calories a day, a mix of macros. It was done over night to reduce the stress from consuming food.

    I struggled with it greatly but my DD1 was born weighing 2lb 2oz and has not been ill a day in her life, now a grown up.

    My battles continued for 8 years but improved slightly year on year.
    In 2004 I had the light bulb moment as I call it. An old lady (I wish I knew who) in the GP surgery said to me that I looked like a clothes hanger with skin. That I should look at CICO and that I had the control, the food didn't!

    I went home fuming, how dare she comment on me or my size, what did that old witch know!

    It slowly made me start to read up, what was CICO? Why would that stop me getting fat! The more I read the more I trusted the process.
    I started to eat at 800 calories a day at first, didn't gain, trusted it more. Ate 1200, didn't gain. LOVED CICO.
    Fast forward to now, I run, lift weigh 120lbs and eat 2000 calories a day.

    Information and knowledge is power and saved my DD1s life and mine.

  • mandapanda240
    mandapanda240 Posts: 35 Member
    When I went through a box of clothes from a year ago and couldn't get a pair of jeans over my thighs....