Vanity sizes!!!

So when I started my journey three months ago I was 230lbs and in a size 22 pants from Lane Bryant. I am now at about 200lbs and in a size 18 from old navy. Here my complaint!
Old navy uses vanity sizes so my 18s are really 20s so when I went to try on a pair of pants at a department store they didn't fit!!!!! I got them on and zipped, but had I sat down I prob would have ripped a seam and cut off blood flow. So there I was standing in the dressing room ready to cry! I had been so proud of myself for getting into a size 18 and there I stood crushed because my 18s weren't really an 18. I felt defeated and started to beat myself up as I put my pants back on. My husband, being the most wonderful man out there kissed me and said," a few more weeks and they will fit great, You have done an amazing job and I couldn't be more proud of you!". I know he's right, but to be honest I'm still a little down about what happened.

So has this happened to anyone else? You think your in one size only to find out that it's not a true size you have been wearing?


P.s. I'm sorry if there are any spelling errors, I suck at spelling! LOL


  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    Aeropostale is the same. I can wear jeans from highschool, i.e 1/2 ... but I bought jeans 6 months ago that are a 3/4 that I can't get on at all. So everyone struggles with this. I just keep working and remind myself that it isn't about numbers. It isn't about numbers. It isn't about numbers.

    Keep up the good work!
  • NykoleMazzola
    yes! i cried!
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    Every store sizes clothing differently, so I don't beat myself up over a size - try not to do that to yourself! You have to go by how you LOOK. I know that is hard when you struggle to lose (believe me, I know). I would be one to sabotage my loss if I got upset about the size of the garment.

    Your husband is awesome, BTW! Would you loan him out for when I go shopping, LOL? :smile:
  • SandersWifey
    SandersWifey Posts: 387
    I experience this as well. Depending on where they come from I can where anywhere fro a 6/7 to a 12. One day you feel slim...the next it's like WTC?!?!
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    25 years ago I wore a size 11. Before I started losing weight here on mfp, I could STILL wear a size 11 from a department store, even though I WEIGHED OVER 40 POUNDS MORE THAN I DID 25 YEARS AGO. It's CRAZY. Don't even let those idiots, who can't figure out what size the clothes they manufacture should be, get you upset with yourself.
  • Gr8_body4life
    Yes its so tough to find a true measurement of you success with using jeans. The best way to keep track is to take measurements. I was struggling with the fact that I had been working out for over a month and lost only 4 pounds! But when I looked at my change in measurements, I had love over 8 inches!
    Keep your chin up, 30 pounds is SO AWESOME!! You are losing weight!! and a previous poster is so right it isnt about numbers!

    Good luck on your Journey!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    It's one the most heartbreaking things every. There's no real standard on sizes. 2 years ago I was so very proud because I was wearing 16's! Had 4 pair, of course they were all the same brand and style just different colors. I found the cutest pair of jeans! Baby Phat! My mind said, Me? in a pair of fashion jeans? Oh yeah! So I grabbed a pair of 16s and just in case a pair of 18s. Hit the dressing room and couldn't even dream of zipping up the 18's! I literally sat in the dressing room crying for almost an hour!
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 338 Member
    yesss! Sizes su**! Each name brand sizes their clothes totally different.

    My sizes range anywhere between 4-8.

    But I agree w/ the other posts. I know it maybe hard @ times but, dont' let the numbers get to you. :)
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Absolutely! I just finished a shopping trip and have determined that I am a perfect size 13, which means I am trying on each pair of pants in both the 14 and the 12, and in multiple styles and cuts (I'm sure I frustrate the store clerks!)

    But I've come to realize that size, just like weight, is just a number and I no longer measure my success by the number on the scale, or the number on the tag in my clothing.

    A few years back, I did a do-it-yourself "what not to wear" and went shopping with a fashion consultant. I learned a few things:

    1) Sizes are not standard
    2) Try everything on -- you may need to try multiple sizes to get the best fit. Don't worry about the number -- look at how it fits you.
    2) Very few people can buy off the rack and have clothes fit perfectly.
    3) Fit the largest part of your body, and have the clothes tailored to fit you (or do it yourself). Know what the easy changes are (hems, taking the waist in, hemming the sleeves), and know what the fatal flaws are (rise isn't right).

    After alot of work, I ended up with some 14s and some 12s, and a stack of clothes that are going to the tailor. (I may even dust off my sewing machine and try to adjust some clothing myself!) Am I upset about the 14? Not really -- it took me 25 pounds to move from the 16, so I'm happy with that. And the clothes are fabulous (or will be after adjustment).

    You have made ALOT of progress, and you should be proud of that. Your husband is right -- you will be in those 18's in the department store. And just think -- you'll be in a 16 at Old Navy! Just go with what looks fabulous on you -- and show off your hard work!
  • ahadj
    ahadj Posts: 257 Member
    This New York Times article talks about how crazy it all is... For example, check out the graph they have. A size 8 can be anywhere from a 26.5'' waist to a 31'' waist, depending on the brand. Ridiculous!
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    I refuse to let a number define a point. LOL I have recently moved from a tight and generous size 8 to several different designers/labels size 6. So I feel confident saying I'm a size 6. Then tonight I went to a home "jeans" party and every size 7 I tried on wouldn't go over my knee. However, I found 2 size 9 jeans that did fit and look good and since my jeans at home are too baggy (yea me!) I bought them.

    I have a weight goal...but again, the number doesn't define me. It helps me track my progress. It helps me stay on track. But the real success is that I'm eating healthier, feeling better, LOOKING better...
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I think whomever came up with the vanity sizes should be ashamed of themselves. Why lie? I wouldn't want to waste my money on any store that uses vanity sizes for their clothes. I may be a big woman, but I feel good about myself. I'm on the healthy road to get healthy. To get fat off my body.

    In my opinion, clothing should just stick to small, medium, large, ex-large, etc.

    Please women don't beat yourself up for these stupid vanity size clothes. If you can fit a certain size in one store or better yet, if you can fit the same size in 2 or more stores, then go with that size. Stay away from vanity size clothes.

    Clothes aren't suppose to make a person feel happy. Clothes is not supposed to have a person's happiness in it's hand. Take control over your own happiness and keep your head up .
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    I really wish clothing had more regulated sizes... Waist measurements in inches would be nice. Then I would know that it would fit (in the waist at least)

    The New York Times article above is good for women, but note this is just as bad for men (who supposedly have 'inches' for their waist bands):

    A 36 waist jean with a 41 inch waist? Really, Old Navy?
  • ajfranzen77
    ajfranzen77 Posts: 118
    Thank you to everyone! I don't feel as bad knowing this doesn't just happen to me!
  • Levahna
    Levahna Posts: 132
    First off. . . you have an awesome husband!!! He is right. . . keep doing what you're doing and you'll be rocking those pants!

    I know sizes between stores are different but I think stores have altered sizes from what they used to be. I am wearing the same size pants from LB now that I did when I was 25lbs lighter.