feeling kind of *****y...need some advice...

hey ya'll. have any of you noticed that you get kind of *****y/grouchy since you have started dieting?? it isnt as everyday thing...i am generally a VERY happy person but the last few days i have been grumpy...and this isnt the first time and no it isnt TOM so just curious if anyone else has experienced this...going for a jog to clear my head in a bit...


  • sharonus
    sharonus Posts: 102
    I find that happens to me when I'm hungry. Try to find some low calorie snacks and save space for them in your calorie allotment for the day. It helps me to eat lower calorie more filling foods at meals like a big salad instead of a cheese sandwich.
  • crazymama2two
    i feel craptastic lately but cause im so hard on myself and let the scale create my mood - i need to stop that. i wish i could job with you but its raining and i ahve six 10 year olds being all giddy - damn, now would be the perfect time for a jog! :)
  • BarnDogBob
    BarnDogBob Posts: 104 Member
    I don't notice it but get accused of it constantly.... :glasses:
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    Surprisingly, not this time. On other diets, I was grouchy and hungry. But I never exercised. This time I am, so maybe that's the difference.

    Good for you to go for a run! Hope it helps.
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    Yeah, that happened to me the first few weeks. I think it was my body detoxing off of all the garbage I used to eat.
  • durhamity
    durhamity Posts: 174 Member
    Your body gets kind of addicted to the sugar and junk that we put in our body. When we go on a diet, we eat less of that stuff and go through a type of withdrawl. At least, that's my take on it.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Yes, and it was because I needed to eat more. I was way underestimating my calorie burns. I took a quick peek at your diary and noticed you tend to have a lot of calories left over. Try eating more!! You won't feel as cruddy, I promise.
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 338 Member
    Yes, not all of the times but sometimes.

    I'll want something & know I can't or shouldn't have it. Then my husband or kids will (unknowingly) eat what I'm craving in front of me & I have to just get up and leave the room.

    It secretly drives me crazy! :/
  • EmilyQC
    EmilyQC Posts: 69 Member
    Yes, and it was because I needed to eat more. I was way underestimating my calorie burns. I took a quick peek at your diary and noticed you tend to have a lot of calories left over. Try eating more!! You won't feel as cruddy, I promise.

    Also if you are consistently under on iron, that will make you irritable/grouchy..... when I started eating less and cutting out things all together, I got really grouchy for a few weeks until my husband suggested taking a women's multi-vit with Iron, that way I make sure I have all my vits and i'm never lacking on iron. Talk to your doctor about what may be the correct amount of Iron that your body needs.
  • ajfranzen77
    ajfranzen77 Posts: 118
    I found that I got that way at first, and I'm pretty sure it was from sugar and grease withdrawals! That and I was so used to eating what I wanted when ever I wanted that telling myself no I didn't need whatever I wanted put me in a really bad mood. It's getting better though. I let myself have a snickers every once in a while to curb that candy craving I get and I don't beat myself up over it. I tell myself it's fine in moderation, I just don't need to eat one every night! I will say that I had a bight of fried chicken last week and had to spit it out cause all I tasted was grease and it made me sick!
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    I'm a right pissy b*tch when I'm hungry. After I sort out the hunger, I go back to my slightly-less pissy self.

    (I do agree with the withdrawal thing though, for myself though, it was only the first few weeks.)
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    happens to me when i cant workout
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    If I'm hungry I'm super grouchy, yes! From your diet I notice that you are waaaaay under your calories, and you skip breakfast a lot. A lot of the food is very processed (somethiing I'm slowly trying to get away from). You need to eat more, or you will definitely be grouchy, but it needs to be whole foods and not processed...no Miracle Whip, or Coke etc. I'm the QUEEN of processed foods..don't get me wrong. LOL! I'm just starting this too...but I think it's helping. Maybe give it a go? keep going!!
  • ceschwartz
    ceschwartz Posts: 240 Member
    The first week of my diet I was complete grouch. Thankfully I have an amazing husband.
  • Sweetcheeks278
    Like everyone else is saying, I was a complete grouch for the first couple of weeks. :explode: I agree with the detoxing and you are also getting use to eating less. You'll adjust. I still have my moments when I want something but know that its not worth it and I'll get aggitated. :blushing: "This too shall pass"
  • cscoggins
    cscoggins Posts: 17
    I started this fitness plan about a month ago, and was feeling nauseous and weak half-way through eat day for the 1st few weeks. (I'm sure I was grumpy about it too! haha!) I started watching my proteins and carbs more carefully, and realized that I was eating less than half my carbs for the day and ALL of my proteins. Now, that may work for some people's bodies... but it wasn't working for mine. I started eating my carbs- GOOD carbs- and now I feel great. Every body is different- experiment with what you eat and take note of the difference! Your body will let you know. :)