
I just wanted to day hello! I am new here. I have set my goal to lose 30 pounds. My plan is to start slow - consume 1200 calories a day, walk 10,000 steps (fitbit users add me as a friend https://www.fitbit.com/user/3V6DJT), and start with 20 minutes a day of body weight type exercises - squats, push ups, sit ups, planks, mountain climbers and burpees. This will be for the first 30 days as I have not worked out in a year. I plan to do the couch to 5k program also to incorporate cardio in.
I am open to friends, guidance, advice and assistance on this journey to a better me!


  • malloryboutwell
    malloryboutwell Posts: 19 Member
    Hi I'm also trying to lose weight and get back on track with healthy eating habits! Also looking for motivation I would love to be friends!