Seeking Like-minded Friends!

ShelbyAnn214 Posts: 6 Member
edited November 2015 in Motivation and Support
Hello all!

I joined last year and was actually having a lot of success! However, illness, medications, a move, and all sorts of other fun things, I got off track, and gained a lot back. Ugh!

So I am looking for some new (preferably lady) friends to chat with and motivate each other. I used to have a couple friends here who I kept in touch with via the apps Kik and Viber and I loved our daily contact and motivation for each other. I would like to have that again!

About me!
- I am 22 (yesterday was my birthday, whoot!)
- Have many animals.
- I am a huge gamer! Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, or PC - I enjoy it all! (Xbox is my favorite though, hehe!)
- Horror movie buff.
- I have GAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
- I also have asthma (bad lungs overall, really), and hypothyroidism.
Not the most fun things to deal with let me tell ya! Trying to lose weight with health issues is tough!
- I am a nanny.
- I am going back to school soon.
- I recently moved in with my fiance! Valentines day will be our 5 year together!
- My first goal is to lose 50lbs, so it would be nice to add people in the same boat!

Look forward to meeting you!


  • Hi! I love meeting new people. Like you, I gain my weight back, stress exams and all the shenanigans. Anyway my papers are nearly over and it's time to pick myself up so new friends are welcomed!
    A little about this panda:
    -I'm 18 (birthday in June when I started MFP) actually I started a year or two ago but got chased of the app lol. So I came back after my 18th bday.
    -Asian nerd (more towards fiction then textbooks)
    -I stress eat a lot.
    -I'm not really a movie person but I'm okay with any genres
    -Going to move back to my home town in 10 days! (Can't wait!)
    -My goal is to lose around 20-40lbs depends on how I feel about my body when I actually lose them.
    Sensed you a FR!
  • sarajschubert
    sarajschubert Posts: 5 Member

    Illness and anxiety are so awful when trying to lose weight, I feel your pain! I was on Weight Watchers for a year and lost 45 pounds, and then was stuck there for months, so now I'm trying MFP. I haven't gained any back this time, thank goodness, and have 25-30 pounds to go. So far, I love mfp and am doing well!

    About me:
    - I am turning 23 in March
    - I love animals, work at a vet clinic, and have two dogs (Boston and Scottish terriers)
    - Book nerd
    - Struggle with bipolar depression and extreme anxiety. They are both mostly managed, but I have my bad days/weeks where macaroni and pierogies are my saviors
    - I have loved in California, Montana, Nebraska, Minnesota, and now Pennsylvania
    - I can't wait for my husband and I to move back west soon
    - I have Polycystic ovarian syndrome
    - I am ready to get this last 25# off!!
  • redsnapper8
    redsnapper8 Posts: 31 Member
    I too have gained back some and would like more motivated friends on mfp. So to you, and any others, looking for support to get fit and lead a balanced lifestyle, feel free to add me : )

    About me!
    - I am 36 (yesterday was my birthday, whoot!)
    - Have one gorgeous black cat.
    - I am preparing for another big move soon, in limbo awaiting to see where, job dependent.
    - Last year ago I gave up smoking and started to eat healthier
    - This year I completed my first half marathon and completed two aquathlons,and joined an amateur netball group
    - I am a plant biologist
    - I aim to lose a further stone, but more then anything, hope to be in good shape next year to accomplish my first marathon and possibly a triathlon
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I'm 36 and starting over again too. I had been active on here two years ago when I met my goals but while I was gone, I moved cross country and then moved to another state just a month ago. I also got sick and have been diagnosed with two autoimmune disease in the last two months. The medication intake for one of them leaves me so tired and unable to focus so trying to learn to live in a way that I feel I've accomplished something with my day. I have 6 dogs, 6 cats and 3 chickens. I am an artist. I am vegetarian but aiming to go high raw, vegan. I do best when I have someone watching me, keeping me accountable and my husband does the opposite of keeping me accountable. So if you're interested, send me a friend request.
  • helpatalkingmuffin
    helpatalkingmuffin Posts: 19 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hi! I was previously on MFP in 2011 and also had a lot of success, but between some injuries and the transition from college to full-time work, I ended up gaining much more weight than I'd lost. :/ To start with, I'm just trying to get back in the "overweight" BMI range for my height and out of the "obese" range, yikes (about 10 pounds to go), but ultimately, I'd like to lose between 40-65 pounds. :)

    Basics: I'm 24, a gamer, a writer, reads-a-lot, once ran a half-marathon. (I'm not really looking to get back in THAT kind of shape again, but I am hoping I'll get back to runs-5K-4-times-a-week shape.)
  • KittyInBoots
    KittyInBoots Posts: 226 Member
    Hiya! We seem to share many of the same interests! I am 30 and realizing I wasted my 20s being fat. i am starting my "weight loss journey" on here and I also prefer to add females because I find they understand other females better! I feel more comfortable talking about weight with females as well.

    I love animals as well! I have two cats and a turtle. I am like a little kid around animals, I see any creature and I am like,"Ooooh cute!!!' LOL... I would like a dog to walk for exercise but my cats wouldn't enjoy that too much.

    I also love vid games, I am into PS4 but no issues with Xbox fans,haha!

    I am non-judgmental and accepting of people!

    So pretty much I am just a quiet and shy person in real life but I am more outgoing online. Let's motivate each other!