New and Ready for the Journey

Hello all. I'm new to the site even though I signed up several months ago. I have finally decided that I'm ready to start losing the weight that so desperately needs to come off. I've tried many things before and haven't had a lot of success so I figured I would try calorie counting. I have a few health issues (high cholesterol, pre-diabetes) that are also reasons for me to lose the weight. I have about 80 lbs that I want to lose so I say now's the time to get started.


  • Shanzstar
    Shanzstar Posts: 197
    Hi Dori, welcome! I am fairly new to mfp also. I joined for the support and to help me get the last 15lbs off. This has been a great tool for me. I love it and it keeps me motivated. Good luck with your journey. Its not easy but it can be done!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Welcome DML! Congratulations on your desire to get started. We all have to start somewhere and you're in the right place to get off on the right foot. Everyone here is supportive and know how challenging some days can be. Here are my words of advice as you get started....

    1. First, never give up!
    2. Break your goal down in to smaller, achievable mini-goals and celebrate each milestone.
    3. Ask your MFP friends questions when you feel you aren't progressing.
    4. Track everything... good days, bad days, etc. It is amazing what you can learn when you see what you are doing every single day.

    You CAN do this!!! Good luck. :)
  • sharonfincher1
    sharonfincher1 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi my name is Sharon, Welcome..... Its a good tool and the support is there.....feel free to add me as a friend.... I have been using it to track food and exercise, and take off my last 15 pounds..
  • sveltelady
    sveltelady Posts: 33 Member
    Hi! I also have been putzing around with other ways to lose FOREVER! I have started using MFP since it appeared on my phone with the last upgrade for free. I have joined the Y and need to get more motivated to going regularly.
    I have MS and have gained a real lot since I found myself no longer able to work about 1 1/2 years ago. I am not 280 lbs and realized while at the hospital recently, "what happens if I fall down? I need to be able to be picked up by someone, or pick myself up." So here I am.
    I have been posting on and off for about a month and now I have posted 6 days in a row and I put everything in that I eat. Even if it is off track. Its amazing when you get honest and REALLY see how much calories and carbs you can eat in 1 day!
    Im here and I have taken the first step of joining into the conversation instead of watching it from afar, I am looking forward to having some support on this long journey of over 100lbs.
    Just for today my goal is to post my food, do the right thing and the right thing will happen..
  • La1210
    La1210 Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome. I guess alot of us have a lot in common. I've tried weight watchers, so many diet pills I can't count and a host of other quick fixes, but nothing works. I love MFP it's actually fun. So many of us on the same journey.
  • jennafish7
    Hey! I'm new here too about a week ago started. So far my favorite thing is the ability to look up any food. It makes everything so easy. I've successfully done the weightwatchers thing in the past, but this is seriously so much easier! Good luck with your goal. weight loss is hard work, but worth it.
  • goldenfemale
    goldenfemale Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm new too. Just started yesterday.
  • goldenfemale
    goldenfemale Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm new too. Just started yesterday. I've tried many diets Inc WW, was successful on lighter life but then put all the weight back on. I have never tried a 1,200 calorie diet b4, so hopefully it will work. Makes more sense to eat what you like but in moderation rather than mainly all liquid diet like LL. Did exercise yesterday for first time in ages. Felt amazing! Good luck. Glad I found a site like this for inspiration it really helps.