In need of MFP friends to give me a kick up the butt! - SW-185lb CW-177 p90x3 and Fitbit!

I'm Naomi I'm from Ireland, 23 and a good bit out of shape. I started at 13 stone 3 in 3 weeks I'm down to 12 stone 9.
I need people who are going to motivate me!

I'm currently eating around 1200kCals of good food and I'm starting the p90x3 and some yoga on the days I'm not working as I walk around 17k steps in work and I'm also using Fitbit and all my food diaries are open!



  • bduncan3466
    bduncan3466 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Naomi. My name is Bobbie and I live in the USA, the state of Florida. I will help you and you can help me if you want. I'm just a day on the site. They way I see it, the more we exercise, the more we can lose. So, I plan on logging in everything I do even walking. Do you have a step meter on your phone?