Shakes and other supplement meals

I've always been very leary of supplement shakes, bars, etc. I've always thought that they were fads, and weight loss achieved by using them would be short lived, because once I started eating "normally" again, all the weight would come back.

This being said, I've recently become a little less skeptical since realizing how important recovery drinks are after difficult workouts. I'm on my second round of P90x, and have noticed a HUGE difference since I've begun drinking recovery drinks.

I've been curious about trying something like Shakeology (not an advertisement), but I'm still leary. I'm technically at my goal weight, but I'm still trying to tone up some trouble spots. The scale hasn't moved in 4 months and I'm starting to get desperate.

I'm curious to hear other people's experiences with supplemental shakes, bars, etc. Thanks!


  • FitCoachJen
    FitCoachJen Posts: 139 Member
    I've never tried Shakeology but I've had clients that have lost weight on it. Their meal plans look well-rounded, so that's a plus.

    I make a protein shake after strength training (I use Jay Robb) only because it's essential to get easily digestible protein to your muscles ASAP and I'm not hungry enough to eat a meal. High protein, low fat is the way to go.

    After cardio I'm famished so I eat a real meal. Fruit is great for re-fueling. I've really never tried to find a high-carb meal replacement because carbs are everywhere (gatorade, fruit juice).

    Whatever method you decide to use, best of luck!
  • meeshu1976
    meeshu1976 Posts: 13 Member
    Well, I just tried Shakeology this week and I absoutely love the chocolate, but hate the Greenberry. They should call it Grassberry. Everyone has their own taste buds. I just ordered a months supply of the chocolate. It is very expensive and I haven't seen nor heard of an alternative. If anyone else has, please feel free to let know me.

    I hope that helps. Good luck with your journey! =)
  • GettingThisDone100
    GettingThisDone100 Posts: 27 Member
    I tried Shakeology, didn't see any results - but they have an awesome return plan :)
    I say try it and see how it works for you.

    I did have success with Herbalife, but once I stopped using it...all the weight came back and more. But then again I went back to my old eating habits and was dealing with alot of stress.
  • msmindyf
    msmindyf Posts: 133 Member
    I love my protein shake for breakfast. I currently use GNC's Amplified..but, I only use 1 scoop, which gives me 20 grams of protein. I mix it with a cup of Almond Breeze milk, and a tbsp of peanut butter and a few cubes of ice..sometimes I'll throw in half a banana. It is so delicious and keeps hunger off til 9 or 10am(I eat breakfast around 7). I eat normal meals after that.
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE my shakeology!!! I drink one at *least* once a day! I am not hungry and I do not have ANY cravings!!
  • DanRVL
    DanRVL Posts: 1
    I use MonaVie's system called RVL...I love it. Great taste and great results. Was 284 when started and 212 , 5 months later. Works great because of its nutrient density and nutrient variety. Very simple, and I feel amazing. It is two meal replacement shakes each day and two nutrition bars and two supplement pills each day. I exercise often as well. The more you exersice the more effective any system should be.
  • dynomitedaniel
    Hello All. I have actually been doing RVL by Monavie. 1 week in and down 5 lbs. The difference I seewith this one in that it actually tastes good.

    I wish all the best of luck!!!!!
