Does anyone use TRX?

jill5280 Posts: 117 Member
My boss was telling me about this today and he is doing great things! Anyone using this? How is it going? Would you recommend or not? Any information is helpful!


  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    I used it a couple times with a trainer and it is pretty awesome. I've been wanting to do more suspension training, I got a copy of quality instructions from someone on here and was thinking about making one (it'd be a lot cheaper).
  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    I plan on clearing out my garage and getting/making a TRX type device to use at home. Although I only use it once a week and I would probably get bored of it if I used it more but I LOVE it. It really works you without weights. I bought the fitDeck for TRX (cards with exercises on them) check it out I also have the pilates cards so last time I did TRX I did three pilates cards for every 4 TRX cards. It was a great 40 min workout : )
  • pattifarmer
    pattifarmer Posts: 1 Member
    I use TRX and find it amazing. They are pretty inexpensive if you want to buy one (compared to other pieces of fitness equipment) and are very versatile. My gym has one so I use that and find it great for arms, legs, core. You can google exercises for each body part. Good luck!
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    I posted a topic on this a few days ago with no replies. My husband's unit does it for the pt, but there's only a couple of setups at the gym here and they're always taken. We've been thinking about buying a setup for the house but I was hoping to hear from those who already have one to see where they put it. I know you can put it on your doors but I worry it wont' be stable enough to hold our weight without messing up the door lol.
  • naomihandler
    naomihandler Posts: 53 Member
    I take a TRX class once a week at my gym and I love it! I want to get one but my apartment is too small. I think it is a fun way to add in strength training. I have also noticed that it has really helped me with pushups and planks.
  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    My husband has it and I use it 3 times a week. I love it!

    Great work out that without taking up tons of room.
  • FitShark
    FitShark Posts: 68
    I plan on clearing out my garage and getting/making a TRX type device to use at home. Although I only use it once a week and I would probably get bored of it if I used it more but I LOVE it. It really works you without weights. I bought the fitDeck for TRX (cards with exercises on them) check it out I also have the pilates cards so last time I did TRX I did three pilates cards for every 4 TRX cards. It was a great 40 min workout : )

    you can google instructions, or just check on youtube for a variety of "DIY TRX" insturctions! I just did the other day, and now have a set up in my basement gym from pieces I already had at home!!!!

    Have fun with it!!!
  • fadedflower79
    fadedflower79 Posts: 80 Member
    I posted a topic on this a few days ago with no replies. My husband's unit does it for the pt, but there's only a couple of setups at the gym here and they're always taken. We've been thinking about buying a setup for the house but I was hoping to hear from those who already have one to see where they put it. I know you can put it on your doors but I worry it wont' be stable enough to hold our weight without messing up the door lol.

    I JUST got my TRX in the mail and I have used it twice now. I am feeling it in my arms so I am going to continue. I used it while attached to an exterior door and I was a little concerned with how much it was pulling. I slid the door attachment closer to the side with the hinges and it seemed more solid. My interior doors are pretty flimsy so I will not be using it on those. I sm gonns keep looking for a better place to use it because I really really liked the workout!
  • Bikeminx
    Bikeminx Posts: 51
    I really really want a TRX! The workouts look amazing and it's so portable! You seem to be able to work everything! Problem is my house is pretty small and all my furniture seems to get in the way of places to fix it from. They are also pretty pricey for me, especially as I already pay for an expensive gym membership. I was going to try and make one but will probably end up caving in and getting a proper one much to my boyfriends dismay lol
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Yes, I use one nearly every day when I go to the gym. My trainer loves them because they can be used for simple stretching or more advanced strength training routines. I would love to have one at home, but I don't think it's really an option where I live. Inverted rows on the TRX usually kick my butt after a couple of sets lol.
  • Bikeminx
    Bikeminx Posts: 51
    Yeah I think that's a big problem with them, they are actually small but to do all of the exercises you need to mount it in a secure place with quite a few feet of forward space and also a few feet of space either side. All of the doors in my house are in the corner of the rooms so I have a wall on one side and because the rooms are small and full of furniture there is literally nowhere to mount it. I would put it outside but living in the UK means I would be doing it in the rain most days LOL
  • TSimpson5
    TSimpson5 Posts: 6
    I have one and I love it! I'm in the National Guard and whenever I have to leave home for a while for training, I take it with me. I'm really not into going to gyms anymore and like working out outdoors, so it's very convenient to have. The last time I took it with me, we we're in the classroom for most of the day, so I hooked it up on the classroom door. Whenever the class went on break, a few of us took turns knocking out curls, rows, push ups, and atomic push ups. I made a believer out of a gym rat who took pride in the fact that he could bench over 400 lbs.! If you don't have or are limited by room, you can get the ceiling mount, wall mount, or do like I do and hook it up to your front door outside. A lot of people are put off by the price when I tell them, but it's well worth it! I own just about everything too, so trust me.

    Fitness Library:

    Total Gym Platinum
    Tae Bo
    Power Jumper
    Various kettle bells/free weights/resistance bands

    Now if I only had enough time to use them all!
  • Bikeminx
    Bikeminx Posts: 51
    I just caved in and bought the TRX! Yay!!! I'm so excited for when it comes, it should be here when I come back off my holiday. Any one have any tips for a first timer? :D
  • Bikeminx
    Bikeminx Posts: 51
    I just caved in and bought the TRX! Yay!!! I'm so excited for when it comes, it should be here when I come back off my holiday. Any one have any tips for a first timer? :D