Workout playlist

I'm looking for any playlists that help keep you motivated during your workout! I need the motivation!


  • Mrsrobinsoncl
    Mrsrobinsoncl Posts: 124 Member
    I downloaded Rockmyrun app! There are some great playlist on there, the shorter playlists (less than 30 or 45 minutes are free) or you can pay for it and get longer ones. I just pick two lists if I need more music!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I like songs that have a quick beat. They redo many songs to include a beat like that. You can search in iTunes for workout music.
  • egemens
    egemens Posts: 9 Member
    You probably have already checked it but i really love workout playlists on spotify. My favorites are dance workout and fun workout lists. They keep my workout fun..