Looking for Accountability Friends!

Lately, I've been finding it difficult to stay on track. I think it would be fun to meet some friends to help keep one another motivated. I also have an Instagram and Facebook if anyone wants to be friends on there.


  • TG040476
    TG040476 Posts: 702 Member
    I could use some myself!
  • mrsbre723
    mrsbre723 Posts: 2 Member
    I understand completely
  • tcarp8
    tcarp8 Posts: 369 Member
    I'll help with accountability. Friend me.
  • TheSnackuum
    TheSnackuum Posts: 2 Member
    I could also use some!
  • holla18
    holla18 Posts: 60 Member
    Me too.
    have difficulty doign me daily exercises
    Friend me
  • lmrudnick
    lmrudnick Posts: 40 Member
    Count me in
  • KitCat_87
    KitCat_87 Posts: 26 Member
    Add me! I'm having trouble with staying on track. It seems like I do good for two weeks then it all goes to hell for a week. Cycle repeats :/
  • emaec
    emaec Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! Today is Day 1, again, for me!
  • Miracle_Fi9hter
    Miracle_Fi9hter Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add :)
  • abbysteward
    abbysteward Posts: 2 Member
    Me too!! Feel free to add me
  • Dalia444
    Dalia444 Posts: 510 Member
    Count me in. Always helps to be held accountable... Keeps us honest :) feel free to send me a FR
  • barryplumber
    barryplumber Posts: 401 Member
    Add me if you like I'm on every day
  • fionnbeith
    fionnbeith Posts: 4 Member
    edited November 2015
    I welcome all friend requests for the purpose of support! Let's join "forces!" Lol!
  • lvbmnb
    lvbmnb Posts: 2 Member
    I'd love that, up at 4.30am thinking about this. People to friend and work with sounds amazing

  • Drama74
    Drama74 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in! Week one went well, but let us never speak of week two again
  • b_fly_25
    b_fly_25 Posts: 3 Member
    Looks like we're all in need of accountability partners! Count me in!
  • b_magill
    b_magill Posts: 72 Member
    Me too! I work alone (self employed and the dogs aren't much of a help in that regard), hubby doesn't get the whole concept of "accountabilibuddy", and I am at least 5 hours from my hometown where most of my friends are. I could totally use some virtual community! Feel free to add me!
  • Anyanka101
    Anyanka101 Posts: 9 Member
    Feel free to add me anyone, its great to get as many friends on here as possible and see everyone achieve their goals is a great motivator.
  • pumpkinkin
    pumpkinkin Posts: 1 Member
    Me toooo :neutral: it's hard to stay on track with food
  • bronizzle
    bronizzle Posts: 126 Member
    Any other young adults - I am on my last 15 pounds of weightloss (did the first 45 alone), and could use support as well:)