Have You Ever Done A Stupid/Fad Diet? What Happened?



  • KaleYogaGin
    KaleYogaGin Posts: 22 Member
    Livgetfit wrote: »
    I know this is supposed to be personal experience, but I feel like this second hand experience will be better:

    My sister in law went on a juice fast..... for 41 days.

    She lost a ton of weight, which she gained back and then some, her teeth all turned gray, her skin was gray, her eyes were all sunken and puffy all the time, you couldn't hold a normal conversation with her, it was absurd. I don't think she had an "eating disorder" persay, because before she went on this she ate normal and looked normal (no one on my husband's side could ever be fat if they tried apparently), and now she's a militant ethical vegan bless her heart and she eats plenty now too.

    She just got on this juicing thing and she kept upping the challenge to "well maybe I'll do 3 weeks, maybe 5..." and so on and so on until we threatened to hospitalize her. She was so enamored of the fact that she was losing weight it's like she couldn't even see what she was doing to herself.

    I WISH I could remember the name of the dude she found on the internet/in a book who told her she could go on a 60 day juice fast without killing herself, so I could find every instance of his cursed name on MFP and destroy it before he gets to somebody else...

    Was it Joe Cross? http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/

    Sounds like Joe Cross. He did a juice fast for 60days and made a film about it. You'll find it on Netflix. Thing is, he had a *kitten* ton of weight to lose and a film to make. And it would not have made for a very exciting film if he'd just been logging a varied diet on MFP and lost half a pound every week.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Anyone else reading these and just nodding to themselves saying "yup,..... Yup.....Oh yup....."?

    I've done them all...including the grapefruit diet....never looked at a grapefruit since and that was 30 years ago!

    My biggest one though was not a diet as such but liposuction..... Yes it took some fat from my thighs but it didn't stop me stuffing cake into mouth! Yes I lost inches but like any fad weight loss fix,.I put it all back and more!
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I tried Hydroxycut to lose a quick 10 pounds and pretty much lost my mind. Once I upped the dosage as directed my brain was foggy, I had a hard time concentrating and I felt like I couldn't slow down.

    A few years later I tried Atkins after a friend recommended it. I lasted about five days before I broke down and had a huge binge.

    Slim Fast didn't work well either. I stopped drinking it because I wasn't pleasant to be around (it made me really gassy).
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Does the low fat, use margarine, eat foods with low fat but higher sugar WOE of past years count as a fad? I was on board for that one for years.

    It absolutely does. That's the closest I got to a fad diet.
  • tazpezmom2214
    tazpezmom2214 Posts: 1 Member
    Khovde07 wrote: »
    When I was engaged, my then-fiance-now-husband and I were overweight. My mother pressured both of us to try a diet that her sister had done with big results. After about a month of pressure we finally gave in and did it. Here's my story:

    The diet was called the HCG diet. The idea behind it is that you take oral drops that simulate the HCG hormone in pregnant women. This hormone feeds on the fat stores in the mother and gives it to the fetus. Supposedly, without a fetus present, and while taking the simulated hormone, the excess fat would be washed out as waste product. So for 21 days you ate an incredibly restrictive diet (it only included chicken, lean steak, shrimp, lettuce, spinach, asparagus, apples, oranges, and strawberries) of only 500 calories per day. And you could only drink plain water, plain coffee, or plain green tea. Absolutely no additives or enhancements. You could have absolutely no fats or oils, including certain make-up or lotions, and no breads. If you plateaued, you did a "steak day" where you didn't eat anything all day but then for dinner had 100 grams of steak and an apple. The idea was that the fat your body was releasing and feeding on kept you in a healthy calorie range. After 21 days, you spent the next 3 weeks slowly introducing more food and eventually were back to normal.

    The results were huge. I lost 25 pounds in 21 days and my husband lost 45. But at the end, I had my urine tested and found out that I was in ketoacidosis. Essentially, my liver was getting ready to shut down. As I'm typing all this out, I can't believe how stupid I was to be pressured into trying something like this. Yes, I lost 25 pounds in 21 days (that I gained right back after a couple months) but at the risk of my health. I'm so glad that I've started doing this the right way and the results are even more gratifying this time around. And those HCG drops have been banned by the FDA in the US.

    TL;DR: I essentially shut down my liver eating 500 calories a day.

  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    i think i have tried them all, the three that stick out as having the worst results, in my early 20s i took phentramine, was loosing weight and working out, one night at work,i thought i was having a panic attack, when i was brought to my knees by a shooting pain in my head and chest, the pills sped up my heart and induced a heart attack....then i did atkind and passed out during church, i cant do no carbs at all, then hcg, which in 90 days i lost 60 pounds, i didnt feel hingry and after a couple of weeks actually felt good, stopped doing it and even though i stuck to chicken green veggies and water gained 10 pounds in one day and by 6 months the weight was back double.
    that doesnt count the 1000s i have probably blown since high school on diet pills, im 35 now and my cardiologist said yes i need to lose weight, absolutly no strenous workouts,and no diet pills, im not even allowed nore than one cup of coffee a day while they are figuring outwhat is wrong with my heart
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    Livgetfit wrote: »
    I know this is supposed to be personal experience, but I feel like this second hand experience will be better:

    My sister in law went on a juice fast..... for 41 days.

    She lost a ton of weight, which she gained back and then some, her teeth all turned gray, her skin was gray, her eyes were all sunken and puffy all the time, you couldn't hold a normal conversation with her, it was absurd. I don't think she had an "eating disorder" persay, because before she went on this she ate normal and looked normal (no one on my husband's side could ever be fat if they tried apparently), and now she's a militant ethical vegan bless her heart and she eats plenty now too.

    She just got on this juicing thing and she kept upping the challenge to "well maybe I'll do 3 weeks, maybe 5..." and so on and so on until we threatened to hospitalize her. She was so enamored of the fact that she was losing weight it's like she couldn't even see what she was doing to herself.

    I WISH I could remember the name of the dude she found on the internet/in a book who told her she could go on a 60 day juice fast without killing herself, so I could find every instance of his cursed name on MFP and destroy it before he gets to somebody else...

    Was it Joe Cross? http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/

    No idea. Whoever it was, he's an ***hole and I owe him a barbell to the gut.

    I like you.
