Eating my words, my NSV.

Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I've had some success with very low carb eating. I've posted it 'round the boards. Sometimes I wonder if I've come off as a bit of a jerk about it. If I do, I apologize. There's no one right way to do things - no matter what, I really want to bring this point across on the forums. LC can be a REALLY good choice for some, but for me... I'm really starting to wonder.

I've been really fastidious about counting my carbohydrates, and it provided some success. But my weight loss has been really slow over the past year. Thanks to some other posters on here I started to question my nutrition research. Sometimes when you have success with something you hesitate to think outside of that box or mentality. I asked myself some questions...

Was I really accounting for what I was eating correctly? (definitely NOT) Should I be more concerned about total calories consumed versus ONLY carbohydrates? (Uh...yes) Are all grains really THAT bad to eat? (No. Well, except in my case I'm gluten wheat = bad, but the rest are ok.) Is a very low carb diet in MY best interests (possibly not.)

I've gotten sloppy about portion control and was guessing on a lot of stuff. Yesterday I said to myself "okay, self, today you're going to get strict about measuring your food. Don't stress about carbohydrates - eat good, whole foods and MEASURE them." So I did. Every bit that went into my mouth. Turns out I'd definitely been getting sloppy about measuring some very dense calorie foods (cheese, nuts, etc.) That stuff adds up quickly!

I'd also been starting to get bored with eating very low carb. So I increased my carbs to 30% yesterday. Low-moderate level. The variety was like a breath of fresh air. I had some garbanzos, yogurt, and fruit...all in the same day! It was great. I'm happy to not have to stress over carbohydrates. If I eat more than that 30% it's okay as long as I'm staying within my caloric goals and eating good foods (no Coldstone and donuts, lol).

I have a lot more energy today. I'm also very excited about once again eating a sammich and some stir fry with (actual) rice. There really is something to the MFP way of doing things. This is a really big NSV for me.


  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Well done on your realisation, and good luck!
  • kcavities
    kcavities Posts: 18
    good stuff.

    but as a dumb newbie i have to ask...WHAT IN THE WORLD IS AN NSV?
  • lyndyb88
    lyndyb88 Posts: 123 Member
    good stuff.

    but as a dumb newbie i have to ask...WHAT IN THE WORLD IS AN NSV?

    Non Scale Victory :D

    And I'm glad you're feeling good!! Sometimes those carbs are just what you need for energy :D
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I just love everything about this post.

    Thanks for sharing your experience. There are lots of people in a similar boat and I'm willing to bet this will help them.

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    good stuff.

    but as a dumb newbie i have to ask...WHAT IN THE WORLD IS AN NSV?

    Non scale victory :)
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    good stuff.

    but as a dumb newbie i have to ask...WHAT IN THE WORLD IS AN NSV?

    Non scale victory :)

    (and up until two weeks ago I, too, did not know what NSV meant :laugh: )
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