I need some help and advice please

ronniesgirl1982 Posts: 103
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok so here the thing. I'm really good at the eating right and exercise through the day. But here's my trouble. I am starting to feel very hungry at night!

What can I do to get over this? Obviously I don't want to eat because then I won't lose weight!

Any advice pleeeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeee


  • beckbop
    beckbop Posts: 75
    i am kinda the same. i tend to have a cup of tea on a night :) really fills you up. cadbury highlights hot chocolate is really good aswell, and its only 40 calories.

    maybe have a slice of toast aswell? or a banana:)

    hope that helps x
  • Mveler
    Mveler Posts: 274 Member
    Hot tea or cocoa helps me as well.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    You could space out your meals differently, or save part of your calories for the time you know you will be hungry. Have a good, healthy snack ready for that hunger pain.

    My #1 impulse is to tell you to go to bed earlier... Do you stay up pretty late?
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    If you are not hungry at your usual dinner time put off eating til a little later and make that meal as low carb as you can...protein fills you for longer, carbs (particularly starchy or processed carbs) don't fil you for long. On top of this have some boiled eggs on standby and eat the whites, at around 17 calories an egg white they are handy low calorie snacks
  • mbull
    mbull Posts: 8
    GO back to your food diary add in something you fancy and see what difference it makes to your goal it stopped me snacking tonight
  • kpow72
    kpow72 Posts: 4
    here's a few things to consider, so try and help this tough time of day....
    1. is there any reason you are eating? figure that out and deal with it, you've got your night eating issue solved.
    2. can you leave yourself some calories to eat late at night? and then be very creative with what you eat so that it's satisfying?
    3. what time of day do you start eating? would it help to bump that back a couple of hours, which would, in turn, slide your evening eating back as well. you would be eating the same amount of food, just at a slightly different time.

    I struggle here too. so, i'll eat breakfast a bit later, like 9. then lunch at 1130'ish. snack in the afternoon, dinner, like normal. then i have a snack left for after dinner, without throwing off my day.

    good luck!
  • Thankyou all so much for your advice. I'm going to try them all. Wel except the tea because if I drink tea after 4pm I can't sleep at night. I'm weird like that.

    Up until starting on MFP I never ate breakfast but now I have it I seem to be more hungry if that makes sense.? I think I will try having it later on in the day.

    Yeah I guess I do stay up quite late usually around 11 although when I was working (I lost my job recently) I went to bed earlier.
  • lauranoble81
    lauranoble81 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi hun

    I agree 100% with the others, maybe try and plan out your meals so you have some calories left for a snack at your hungry time. I also try to have a glass of water when i feel hungry inbetween meals, as the signs for hunger mimic the signs of dehydration. When all else fails for me at that time of night i go to bed! Lol. I know full well with me at that time of night it's comfort, and boredom when i'm plonked on my bot infront of the tv, so i side-step the kitchen and head up to bed :)

    Laura x
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I had a quick look at your diary, and most days you have enough cals left for an extra snack in the evening without going over your calorie goal.

    I tend to do for a yoghurt or a low cal hot chocolate if i am hungry before bed.
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