Anyone else looking to lose 70+ lbs??



  • innes24
    innes24 Posts: 10 Member
    I am new here as well and trying to loose 60 lbs
  • mrsspregs
    mrsspregs Posts: 16 Member
    I'm new on here too and also looking to lose a lot of weight, about 80 pounds.. I will send you a friend request!
  • rondajeff11
    rondajeff11 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Ronda I weigh 240 and would like lose 70 to 80 pounds. I am in USA . would like some support.
  • Rdy2BHlthy7
    Rdy2BHlthy7 Posts: 2 Member
    I want to lose about 90 lbs. Would love to meet new people to support along the way! Just getting started.
  • I'm only looking to lose 20-30 more pounds but feel free to add me anyways
  • agerber16
    agerber16 Posts: 2 Member
    looking to lose 100+ lbs. starting weight was 335, currently at 320. I've got a long way to go. add me, always looking for new support buddies
  • Sweepypie
    Sweepypie Posts: 161 Member
    I have about 50-60lbs to lose! Add me if you want! From UK as well! :)
  • request sent, I have around 100 lbs I'd like to shed. need all the support I can get.
  • Burtie_Burt
    Burtie_Burt Posts: 12 Member
    *Only* :neutral: looking to lose 30lbs, but have sent a request anyway.
    I've been trying to lose these 30lbs for about 10 years now so need all the help I can get :blush:
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    Me too!
  • PolarBearFresh
    PolarBearFresh Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there. It's been over two years since I last used MFP and I haven't a clue what I'm doing on this app, it's all changed. I'm looking to loose around 70lb and re-train my brain to enjoy healthy foods. I could really do with some guidance and advice as I'm very much a yo-yo eater/dieter and it always ends with the same result. I'm not sure how friend/group request and does MFP still have a barcode scanner function? Thanks for taking the time to read this : )
  • kabrogden
    kabrogden Posts: 1 Member
    Hi new here ... Need to lose at least 60 .. Would love to join.... Southern California
  • longcher
    longcher Posts: 2 Member
    I just started on my fitness pal. I am at 260 now looking to lose 120 lbs. The hardest part is exercise. I live in Salem, OR where it's pretty old outside so it's hard to get motivated.
  • George_Pier
    George_Pier Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! My name is Aisha. I also have to lose about 80 pounds. Would love to have some friends along that journey. Do add me too.
  • cobwebel
    cobwebel Posts: 114 Member
    Hey All!

    I just restarted the 50+ pounds to lose group (the original one vanished)! It was an awesome, active, supportive place and we'd love to get it back in action. Please join!
  • swoledad
    swoledad Posts: 3 Member
    Aiming to lose 30kgs (around 70lbs) here too.
    I have put on 27kg (60lbs) over the last 12 months after rupturing my distal biceps tendon, putting a halt to my powerlifting training. In just 12 months I have gone from happy, strong and in great shape - to depressed, injured and overweight.
    I hope to drag myself out of this - I know I will probably never be able to powerlift again with my injury, but I at least want to feel good about myself once more.
  • anonmomof3
    anonmomof3 Posts: 23 Member
    I am at 230 and have 85 to lose! Please friend me!! I just started this week.
  • shellcarswell
    shellcarswell Posts: 17 Member
    I am :(. I'm 225 and I want to get to 154.
    2 years till the wedding so I need as much bum-kicking to keep me on track :)
  • rsjessen92
    rsjessen92 Posts: 52 Member
    Im around 174, and I'm looking to lose around 30 lbs of fat, but gain some muscle. You're not alone it seems :)
  • Want2bSlimmer
    Want2bSlimmer Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Laura,
    I'm Helen & from Wales, UK
    I have around 80lb to lose, I weigh 238lbs at present x