Jumpstart to Skinny - 3 days - 5.6 lbs down

Hi there - I am new here. I just bought Jumpstart to Skinny (Bob Harper) over the weekend... started on Monday and I am already down 5.6 lbs. I am finding it fairly easily to do - the less junk I eat, the less junk I want to eat. Would anyone like to join me? I plan to do this for 3 weeks and hope to lose 20 lbs... just as a springboard for more weight loss. :)


  • justmextine
    justmextine Posts: 7 Member
    What are the details about the program?
  • Basically - you eat 800 calories a day - plus all the veggies you want. No complex carbs after breakfast. Walk/run at least 45 minutes a day and do about 25 minutes of a high intensity workout 5 times a week. This is meant to be a short term plan - not to be done as a long term diet. I have a vacation in 3 weeks and just thought I would try to lose as much as I can by then - in a healthy way. You're supposed to be able to lose up to 20 lbs in 21 days. So far, I feel great - not hungry at all. I love all kinds of vegetables and have a massive garden this year - so that really helps. ;)
  • I just started Jumpstart to Skinny yesterday I am on day 2 and also finding it quite easy to follow!
  • RiCKL3s
    RiCKL3s Posts: 1 Member
    That sounds...unhealthy. What does your daily caloric intake look like with the veggies added on? It is not recommended for an average person to go below 1300 calories/day as far as I know. Losing 20lbs in 21 days is not healthy or sustainable.
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    edited October 2014
    What's the rush? 800 calories is way to low. Are you eating back your exercise calories?

    **Edit: I see this is an older thread. nevermind
  • monami1234
    monami1234 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi!! I am interested!! I am starting today!! So far already had to fight the urge not to overeat. How are you doing with the program? Going to buy my Ezekiel bread today. Looking forward to hearing from you
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

    The forum guidelines include this item:

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    MyFitnessPal Moderator
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