Poll: How many calories do you eat?

KellyDianeSpears Posts: 24
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
Hi Everyone! I'm trying to figure out why my weight loss is SO darn slow! I exercise a lot. I racked up 4.4 hours this week. I eat pretty well, and always journal everything. My mother in law to be made a suggestion earlier that I cut out anything processed to see the scale start moving a little quicker. While I do eat healthfully 90% of the time, I do usually have a Skinny Cow ice cream after dinner or a peppermint pattie.

I've done some research online, and it seems I should be eating more to lose weight. I've tried low cal, mid cal and high cal now, and the weight loss is just slowwww moving.

Anyway, I'm just curious, as I'm sure others are... so for those of you losing weight, here is a little poll:

Activity Level:
Calories eaten per Day:
What type of diet you follow:
Average weekly weight loss:

Here are my answers:
Gender: Female :)
Age: 31
Activity Level: Moderately Active
Calories eaten per day: Currently 1400-1600
What type of diet do you follow: Low fat, low carb... basically I just follow MFP guidelines
Average weekly loss: My average has been just under 3lbs a month.

Thanks in advance!


  • Also, any random tips would be awesome! :D
  • BlessedMomX2
    BlessedMomX2 Posts: 241 Member
    Gender: F
    Age: 24
    Activity Level: pretty sedentary, Im a stay at home mom
    Calories eaten per Day: 1200
    What type of diet you follow: I just try to stay in my calorie and fat goal. I'm not on any kind of specific diet, and I eat anything I want.
    Average weekly weight loss: 2lbs
  • Bgx78
    Bgx78 Posts: 3
    Kelly: What is your exercise routine?
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I eat between 800 and 1200 calories a day. I get about 30-60 minutes of exercise most days.
  • Gender: female
    Age: 23
    Activity Level: light
    Calories eaten per Day: 1200 (and I eat back most of the calories I earn in work-outs)
    What type of diet you follow: I basically eat what I want, as long as I can stay under 1200
    Average weekly weight loss: well, I've only been at this 6 days, but I've lost 3 lbs.--I'm thinking this was mostly water weight
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Activity Level: Workout 5-7x/week for at least 30 min/day
    Calories eaten per Day: 1,200-1,500
    What type of diet you follow: just eating better in general, a lot of Lean Cuisine, fruits & veggies
    Average weekly weight loss: 1.5 lbs-2.0 lbs
  • Gender:Female
    Activity Level:moderate
    Calories eaten per Day: 1500 with no workouts, I eat all my workout calories if I do work out. so usually between 1800 to 2200.
    What type of diet you follow: I eat within my calorie guild-lines, nothing special
    Average weekly weight loss: 1+
    Total weight loss since January 2nd is 25 lbs
  • CriticalX
    CriticalX Posts: 212 Member
    Gender: F
    Age: 24
    Activity Level: pretty sedentary, Im a stay at home mom
    Calories eaten per Day: 1200
    What type of diet you follow: I just try to stay in my calorie and fat goal. I'm not on any kind of specific diet, and I eat anything I want.
    Average weekly weight loss: 2lbs
    how old is ur kids? stay home mom a job if kids are young
  • Hi

    I am 52 years old, shoot for 1200 calories a day and exercise about 9 hours a week. I've lost 8.1 pounds since April 27 (about 6 weeks). My suggestion would be to trim the calories and up the exercise. 1400-1600 calories a day is closer to maintenance to me.

    Great idea about cutting back on processed foods. Keep your protein up, sodium down and empty carbs low. Get in 5 fruits and veggies a day (not juice).

    Hope it helps!

  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    gender: Female
    Age: 53
    Activity Level: Active
    Calories eaten per day: 1200 I do not eat my exercise calories back
    Diet is low fat low sodium, lower carb, high protein, no processed foods nor white flour foods
    Average weekly weight loss is 2lbs a week
    Exercise 10 -12 hrs a week. I burn between 1200-1600 calories every day with exercise

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Activity Level: Sedentary - (Work out 5-7 times a week for at least 20 minutes focusing mainly on cardio)
    Calories eaten per Day: ~1450
    What type of diet you follow: Whatever I want as long as it fits in my calorie goal -- french fries, brownies, donuts, etc. but with fruits and veggies and lean meats too
    Average weekly weight loss: 1 pound
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    (I am only on day 5 so I am not going to do the poll)

    Sounds to me like you just hit a plateau, if you are watching what you eat and eat mainly healthy. Are you doing all the same workouts? After time your body gets used to the workout so you always go to keep it guessing. Do different workouts on different days... I have heard a low-carb high-protein diet is great for weight loss, but for myself I am having trouble getting the carbs low enough...Good luck!!
  • i have to eat around 1250 a day to achieve my weight loss of 20 pounds but might i suggest this new workout program called trubo fire you should look into it:) im goin to start it myself here very soon and some of the success stories ive read are amazing all within 3 months!
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    Gender: female
    Age: 18
    Activity Level: sedentary
    Calories eaten per Day: was on 1200 plus about half my exercise cals when I was losing.
    What type of diet you follow: tried to stay under my goals in general
    Average weekly weight loss: 1 lb.

    I generally go to the gym 3-5 times a week and do 40 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training/calisthenics . Try to get at least 30 mins of walking in on non gym days
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Gender: female

    Age: 35

    Activity Level: moderately active (I work on my feet AND go to the gym 3 days a week for 60 mins)

    Calories eaten per Day: Anywhere between 2200-2500. I usually average around 2350.

    What type of diet you follow: "Everything in moderation". I don't diet. This is a lifestyle change for me. :)

    Average weekly weight loss: I don't lose weight on a weekly basis. I stay at the same weight for awhile and then will lose up to 7lbs literally overnight. I've always lost like this - it is some weird quirk I have.

    I should add that I don't drink pop, don't eat fast food, don't eat food with high fructose corn syrup in it and I try and stay away from "white" foods (rice, flour, bread...)
  • BlessedMomX2
    BlessedMomX2 Posts: 241 Member
    Gender: F
    Age: 24
    Activity Level: pretty sedentary, Im a stay at home mom
    Calories eaten per Day: 1200
    What type of diet you follow: I just try to stay in my calorie and fat goal. I'm not on any kind of specific diet, and I eat anything I want.
    Average weekly weight loss: 2lbs
    how old is ur kids? stay home mom a job if kids are young

    haha! Hes 3,and does keep me busy ALL day! I probably burn more calories chasing him, cooking and cleaning than I think!
  • rachelwebster
    rachelwebster Posts: 11 Member
    Gender: F
    Age: 37
    Activity Level: i take a couple long walks (3+miles) a week. occasional bike ride and hikes
    Calories eaten per Day: 1200-1300
    What type of diet you follow: vegetarian/pescatarian
    Average weekly weight loss: about 1 lb a week. I have lost 30 lbs since first of the year.

    I am frustrated about how slowly its coming off. I have a couple of friends losing 2 or more lbs per week, but they spent 2+ hours a day at the gym and with personal trainers which just isn't feasible with my work schedule, budget, and home responsibilities. I get exercise whenever I can fit it in but I guess its not enough?
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Activity Level: sedentary/lightly active
    Calories eaten per Day: it depends on my activites for the day (I eat back my exercise calories) but between 1400-1800
    What type of diet you follow: No fad diets. I eat mostly whatever I want but try to stay higher in protein. I believe carbs are important but try to stick to complex carbs.
    Average weekly weight loss: 0-3 lbs (I've lost 16lbs in a little under 3 months)
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Gender: Female

    Age: 24

    Activity Level: Have a desk job but try to do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day (not counting normal activities - dedicated exercise like a workout dvd, walking, biking, etc)

    Calories eaten per Day: Net 1300 (and I don't purposefully eat back exercise calories - i try to hit 1300 calories regardless of my exercise, but I will use exercise to get it back down to 1300 if I go over)

    What type of diet you follow: Anything goes as long as I keep it under 1300 for the day. I don't believe in cutting anything out of my diet. Although I have noticed that items I used to eat I don't eat anymore because its not worth the calories.

    Average weekly weight loss: 1 lb a week (went from 163 lbs to 133 lbs in about 8 months)

    Tips: I love the Jillian Michael's workout videos. They are challenging and give great results if you stick with them. Build muscle!!! Seeing your body tone up is very motivating and this happens by building muscle, not by eating only yogurt for 6 months. Just my opinion :-P
  • mardavlais
    mardavlais Posts: 43 Member
    Gender: F
    Age: 39
    Activity Level: Active
    Calories eaten per Day: 1100-1300
    What type of diet you follow: portion control + exercise. I *try* to make lower fat choices (20% fat calorie ratio). I'm supposed to be eating more veggies, but I've been lazy about that lately. I am also in the process of modifying my diet at present to include more protein for weight training needs. My diary is open to friends - feel welcome to add me.
    Average weekly weight loss: In my opinion, 1 - 2 lbs a week is safe. However, closer to the goal, it gets more difficult to achieve.
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