What to make with Broccoli?

NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
I seem to have a lot of broccoli stocked up, and am trying to come up with food ideas that aren't just broccoli as a side. Otherwise I can see my family becoming sick of broccoli really fast.

So any suggestions? (besides chicken & broccoli, rice and broccoli, steak and broccoli etc LOL) Trying to mix up the flavor a bit. Like is there such things a broccoli casserole? or maybe like a broccoli spaghetti sauce or something. haha

Thanks :flowerforyou:


  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    Broccoli and cavetelli!
  • CanadianChic
    CanadianChic Posts: 141
    broccoli salad!!
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    mmm, yes, I love broccoli casserole... basically it is like greenbean casserole, but with broccoli... I also like to make it with turkey and broccoli... YUM!!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    cream of broccoli soup!
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    Our favorite is a ginger beef and broccoli recipe, except we omit the beef and use asian mushrooms, onions, garlic, ginger and a LOT of broccoli. The mushrooms make up for the beef and way less fat, more fiber! A little brown rice with it and you have a real treat that is super healthy and good leftover for lunch!!!
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I like to mix mushrooms with my brocolli, I also add brocolli to maranara sauce with my spegetti squash....I eat brocolli alomsy every night! I mix it up with my lean cusines, very tasty!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    My personal fave is to put it in stirfry. I cook up pieces of chicken breast in a pan with some honey and garlic added for a yummy flavour, then load on the veggies. you can add some rice too if you are in need of some carbs.
  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member
    I microwaved some broccoli with a wedge of laughing cow cheese, and chicken, but you can do it plain or with whatever. The cheese needed some mashing and mixing, but it was really tasty. They make flavored cheese, but I just used plain...I bet the chipotle or french onion would be great.
  • gmkimby
    gmkimby Posts: 58 Member
    Go to shine.yahoo.com....and under the food tab search Broccoli Casserole....they have really good recipes! :smile:
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    cream of broccoli soup!
    You can make that low fat if you use skim milk powder...it makes it creamier, but no added fat!
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    Stir fry with meat and other veggies (if you want) with olive oil and teriyaki sauce. Serve over rice. The more veggies you put with it...the lower cals it is and it's really yummy!
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    I use it in omelets
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    chicken alfredo with broccoli?
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I chop it up and put it in pasta sauce :)
  • KatieCuth
    KatieCuth Posts: 569 Member
    Broccoli, mushroom, chicken and pesto pasta.... love that.

    Broccoli soup is also yummy.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm trying to mix up the sauces I put on my steamed broccoli/caulifower combo. Have so far tried ABC sauce (kecap manis), hoi sin, sweet chilli, oyster. They're all a bit high in sodium, but you don't need much!
  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    Paula Deen has an awesome recipe for a cold broccoli salad. It's broccoli, bacon, tomatoes, onions, cheese, and raisins tossed in a mayo/white vinegar dressing. It is the most delcious broccoli salad you will ever eat! I drastically modify the dressing though to make it much healthier...

  • Mtarbarnes
    cream of broccoli soup!
    You can make that low fat if you use skim milk powder...it makes it creamier, but no added fat!

    I love this idea!! Thank you!
  • es0torok
    es0torok Posts: 66 Member
    I like raw broccoli with sandwiches. I use it as a substitute for chips
  • Metalhead187
    Improv chef presents: Steamed broccoli's with oikos plain greek yogurt for dipping! :D