PiYo Support Group

I really want to start this PiYo, I need some serious motivation, you know other than the fact that I need to lose weight!! I know i'll have to force myself to do this in the AM because realistically with a full time job and 4 kids its the only time I have. Is anyone else in the same boat? wants to start but needs someone or a group to motivate them not to quit? we could share results and tips, gripe and complain when it hurts?


  • smayanmom
    smayanmom Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there.. I started piyo on monday... this is my first time doing this...
    It's been 8 weeks since my baby is bor... but I lost only 8lbs of my total weight gain of 50 lbs during pregnancy. ..
    Hoping to Kickstart my weight loss with piyo
  • random_sam
    random_sam Posts: 8 Member
    I started it today. I even joined the beach body challenge to help motivate me. I want the free tshirt and possibly winning $100,000 it doesn't hurt.
  • Zoelesley
    Zoelesley Posts: 37 Member
    I'm waiting for mine to come in the mail. How are you guys feeling does it feel like a workout when you are done?
  • allysar
    allysar Posts: 87 Member
    I absolutely love PiYo! It has really made some amazing changes to my body. I am 5 weeks in and will continue on after the 8 weeks.

    I finally got a heart rate monitor to see what I am really burning and at 5'4" and 130 lbs and 49 years old after the Drench workout I had burned 301 calories.

    I feel great afterward but definitely feel the workout.
  • Zoelesley
    Zoelesley Posts: 37 Member
    I have my Piyo and 21 day fix i plan to start minday, just not sure which one I'm starting with??? Thoughts?
  • fitmom052615
    fitmom052615 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm starting tomorrow. My daughter is 6 months old and I still have 25 or so lbs of the 40 I gained to lose. I'll also be adding some cardio on the days I can get it in
  • allysar
    allysar Posts: 87 Member
    Zoelesley wrote: »
    I have my Piyo and 21 day fix i plan to start minday, just not sure which one I'm starting with??? Thoughts?

    I have some friends that do 21 Day fix but I have not so bear with me....can you do the food plan from 21 day fix since it is very structured and the PiYo workouts? I just love them and they have been so effective. I actually look forward to working out.

    I had a few days off and was back at it today. It was Sweat day and the HRM says I burned off 231 calories. I will take it!

  • bakemma
    bakemma Posts: 161 Member
    I have PiYo and I was going to start last week, but I got pneumonia so my start date has been put off temporarily, but I can't wait to start! :)
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    I just ordered PiYo over the Thanksgiving holiday... Shud delivery 12/7! Looking forward to getting started. Anyone have any great tips/tricks/hacks for us newbies?
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Zoelesley wrote: »
    I have my Piyo and 21 day fix i plan to start minday, just not sure which one I'm starting with??? Thoughts?

    You can look on Pinterest for a hybrid schedule. I just ordered PiYo and I'm borrowing a friends 21DF so I'm going to try the hybrid schedule.
  • adelinue
    adelinue Posts: 98 Member
    I can't participate in this groupe as i have finished my 1-month calendar of PiYo; but if it helps : I had really great results with PiYo; i used it to kickstart my weight loss and lost 18lbs doing it (At the time i wanted to lose 40lbs, so that put me at halfway to goal in only one month !) while gaining strenght and becoming waay more flexible. I can now just bend at the waist and put my palms on the grounds ! I could hardly get my fingertips to touch my ankles before, let alone rest the palm on the floor like that !
    Chalene is awesome. I wasn't a workout person, really. I thought that it's gonna be a chore and i was gonna put it off but with PiYo; i was actually looking forward to doing it again ! I am giving T25 a chance right now; but i do think i'll give PiYo another round after that.
    For tips; do invest in a Yoga Mat, especially if you are really overweight. It's gonna help reduce pain on your wrists and keep you from slipping (and believe me you might very well slip cuz you're gonna sweat !) I did do the first two weeks without a yoga mat so it's not really necessary but it helps. Working out on a hard surface (the floor) add some pain to your support points (mainly wrists in PiYo) that will keep you from reaching maximum results.