Late night hunger/Snacking

Hi, I have just joined to try to obtain a ten pound weight loss. I've put on a bit of weight over the past year, nothing substantial, but enough to not fit into my favorite jeans anymore. My problem is late night eating/snacking. Throughout the day I am always satisfied with my meals, but I'm always still hungry after dinner and I just want to continue eating, especially if I'm just hanging out at home. Does anyone have suggestions on how they keep themselves from munching all night long if they're at home? Or super healthy, low cal snacks that I could munch on? Thanks!!


  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    I usually try to save some calories for snacks after dinner, I like popcorn, you get a lot of it for little calories, and popsicles/fudgecicles/skinny cow ice cream bars, some of the fudgcicles and popsicles are as low as 20 calories a piece
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    the only thing that has helped me is going to bed earlier.
  • LeeLeeTunk
    LeeLeeTunk Posts: 84
    I love the 90calorie cereal bars!
  • Liz915
    Liz915 Posts: 123
    I am in the exact same boat! I heard somewhere once that if you have snacking issues late at night then you should always keep apples in your fridge and when you are hungry late at night, eat an apple. And if you aren't hungry enough to eat an apple then you shouldn't eat anything at all. (you could always replace the apple with something else... like baby carrots, just make sure it is raw and healthy) Anyway, I have found myself wanting to go to bed earlier just so that I don't have to sit on the couch while watching tv with my hubby wishing I could snack. It sucks right now, but I am hoping that the further along I get the easier it will be to resist my snacking urges.
  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    Late night snacking isn't a problem as long as you stay below your calorie budget. The problem most people have with late night snacking is that it probably puts them OVER their calorie budget, which slowly adds up.

    I've found using the food diary on MFP helps keep me on track far better than just guessing how much you really ate all day.
    I hope that made sense. :smile:
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    100 calorie popcorn (Orville Redenbacher is my personal preference), green peppers, cucumbers
  • Jamazurunner
    Jamazurunner Posts: 132
    Late night snacking isn't a problem as long as you stay below your calorie budget. The problem most people have with late night snacking is that it probably puts them OVER their calorie budget, which slowly adds up.

    I've found using the food diary on MFP helps keep me on track far better than just guessing how much you really ate all day.
    I hope that made sense. :smile:

    Exactly! I think to reduce late night hunger includes making sure that you aren't in starvation mode by 5pm! I try my hardest to have 800-1000 calories before dinner time. Usually if its less than this, I get ravenous and eat everything in sight.

    The other thing is that we snack when we get bored. I have issues with this especially. I try to keep busy, go for a walk, do something that has nothing to do with food. Try to keep yourself busy after you eat your dinner, you shouldn't be hungry!

    Best of luck!
  • Butterfly310
    A great option is 4 tbsp of fat free cool whip with crushed up reduced fat Nilla wafers. Its really light and satisfies that sweet tooth.
  • snipsnip2
    snipsnip2 Posts: 12
    Casein protein is a great snack to have before hitting the sack. These are proteins derived from dairy, and it takes a while for your body to digest, so you stay a little fuller longer. I like to drink mine half frozen, as it tastes more like a milkshake:)
  • Luthorcrow
    Luthorcrow Posts: 193
    I think before we suggest a snack what are you usually eating at dinner? You might avoid the munches if you focus on foods that take longer to digest which will up your satiation and may prevent you from wanting the snack. Can you give us an example?
  • jessib009
    jessib009 Posts: 8
    Thanks for all the responses.. I usually will have a big salad with chicken or shrimp or a turkey sandwich and as soon as I'm done I crave something sweet! Part of my problem is I don't have a lot of dinner recipes. Does anyone have any suggestions for easy dinners that keep you full?
  • Arizona_JR
    Arizona_JR Posts: 275
    Thanks for all the responses.. I usually will have a big salad with chicken or shrimp or a turkey sandwich and as soon as I'm done I crave something sweet! Part of my problem is I don't have a lot of dinner recipes. Does anyone have any suggestions for easy dinners that keep you full?

    Look for foods high in fiber and protein. They'll keep you full. When you have a food idea, run it through the MFP food database to check it's protein & fiber values. Personally, I'm always game for a small bowl of oatmeal. :-smile:
  • snipsnip2
    snipsnip2 Posts: 12
    Why don't uyou try balancing out your chicken sand salad with a whole grain, such as brown rice? I actaully like to add half a cup of brown rice to my salad and mix it in.