Couch to 5k running programme

I started with this programme today 13.06.2011

Website link:

I must say I was sweating alot and really burned calories, am aiming to do it 3 times a week.

This program teaches you to from "couch potato to 5k runner in 9 weeks"

I can only gain with the exercise, have nothing to loose.

Checkout my blog for updates on the success of this programme.


  • Imvidal
    Imvidal Posts: 22
    I'm going to week 5 already in this program... I absolutely love it. I had NEVER been a runner but this program has me training in a way I never would have thought. Keep it up and you will see results.

    I actually started 3 times a week but then went up to 5. Sometimes what I do if I'm a little weak, i do the 3 days but the in between days I do the run for the week prior which is less challenging but still works me out.

    And i also alternate 3 days treadmill and 2 days outdoors, it makes a huge difference training out doors vs treadmill.

    Good luck!
  • glendeb
    glendeb Posts: 129 Member
    I'm doing it too - I'm into week 2. I've found it a real challenge, which I need. I only run at night, with my dog though because I'm still really big and I don't like to run in public, but its working, so I'm happy!
  • percussionbeat
    percussionbeat Posts: 85 Member
    I've just finished Week 2 Day 1 and love it!! Pushes me to run a little longer each time, and I'm really looking forward to being able to run with more ease :)

    I tend to prefer training outdoors though...scenery changes and the occasional wind's always refreshing. I've heard that treadmill running's a lot better for the knees though. So yeah, I switch between the 2 whenever I feel like it :)
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member

    And i also alternate 3 days treadmill and 2 days outdoors, it makes a huge difference training out doors vs treadmill.

    Hi there, I always run outdoors, I wonder if you could share what differences you find? I now love running and when I pick up injuries I am so mizzo when I can't run!!!!
  • TherealBerrymama
    TherealBerrymama Posts: 4 Member
    Great Luck to you!
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    Enjoy it, it's very exciting to push yourself to do stuff you never dreamed you'd do! I just finished week 3 day 3 tonight =) Good luck!
  • madeleine1972
    Will post reply once I have alternated between treadmill and outdoors, thanks for you help.
  • thursby2
    thursby2 Posts: 15 Member
    Good luck on your journey! I'm on week 4 and it's amazing the feeling you get after the workout! I started the programme and couldn't run more than 30 seconds now I'm running 5 mins:) I am so proud of myself (and my sister who is my gym buddy)
    I hope you enjoy your achievements and good luck
  • ephinyb
    ephinyb Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck with the programme.

    I'm still on the week 1 runs, but loving it. Never thought I'd enjoy running and couldn't understand what people saw in it, but now I'm addicted.

    Have fun!
  • madeleine1972
    Yeah so glad to see others out there are doing it with me, it's a very special feeling to push yourself beyond your limits and then to realise "yes I can do better".
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    I'm on Week 5 and did Day 1 this morning. Seemed to be much easier today than last week - and it seems to have kickstarted things again, as I've lost 1lb since I started after staying consistently at the same weight. Am intrigued to see what the 2nd run for Week 5 is!!! :smile:
  • rusty61
    rusty61 Posts: 23
    I just did Week 2 Day 1 this morning and am feeling proud of myself. I'm happy to see other people doing the same program, and I wish you all good luck!