My fitness pal and Microsoft health

I am not exactly new here, but returning. I have a microsoft band and I linked MS health with my fitness pal. Today I see this in MFP:



It imported the 10k steps I took today but modified it by reducing my calorie allotment. What gives?


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Any attached trackers will do that. You can disable negative adjustments through your diary if you don't want it to take away calories, or you could ignore the extra added by the tracker, if you feel that the 1670 is enough food. I don't know if MS health is similar to FitBit, but the FitBit calorie adjusts and changes throughout the day, so if I workout earlier and then be a lazy lump all evening, my calories from exercise will slowly decrease. Perhaps keep an eye on it for the next several days until you know how it will work. Or maybe someone with more experience with that particular app will be able to explain it better.
  • j3r3m3ys
    j3r3m3ys Posts: 2 Member
    Yeah, I found an article about the negative adjustment, strange thing is I don't have an option to turn it off in settings > diary.

    I know I am looking int the right place because my fiance does see the option in her account. Strange...

    Thanks for the reply and if anyone else has further input I am all ears!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Interesting. Are you working from the app or the website? I find the website easier to navigate and find things, but then I've been using if for a while, so probably just too set in my ways :laugh:

    Hopefully, someone else will have better answers for you.
  • Kawaiikoneko
    Kawaiikoneko Posts: 2 Member
    The negative calorie adjustment is supposed to be turned off for MS Band users because its a known issue. Here is the link to the announcement that MFP made: