What was your "first" exercise?

I'm so overwhelmed on what exercise to start with. O.o

Do I start with Running? Jogging? Or I was thinking maybe of buying a bike?

I have 100 pounds to lose and I have NEVER exercised on "purpose" or to burn calories before.

Where did you start?

How many times a week and for how long?

And do I eat the calories I burn?


  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    maybe join a gym so you get to do several exercises to find the one you enjoy most.

    I was a member of the gym for ages, but always found i spent more time on the treadmill than anything else, and now i do running outside and dont bother with the gym anymore.
    I discovered i HATE the cycling machines, and wasnt fussed much about any of the other machines
  • mrstyler
    mrstyler Posts: 43
    Walking and gentle swimming for me! I get horribly bored at the gym. Previously I have used various dvds such as yoga, pilates, general exercise ones when I had more space in my living room to move around.

    Oh, and I do use the Wii Fit to add in extra exercise. I don't tend to count it, but it helps add a bit of fun activity a few times a week with my husband.
  • wan2b21
    wan2b21 Posts: 147 Member
    My first exercise I started doing was a half hour hike every other day! Before I started the hikes though I started working on my diet and that's how I lost the first twenty lbs. Then once I added that hike in there I lost the weight at a faster pace! Good luck! You can do it!! Commit to it and it will happen! It also takes time so make it a lifestyle change
  • LaniBaby88
    LaniBaby88 Posts: 12
    When I first started out I used the treadmill and then I got bored of it and went on to the elliptical then stairmaster and now I'm into the arc trainer. I dont have a favorite. Since ur not going to a gym I would suggest u start walking first and then run for a bit to see how far u can go and then walk and do it over again. Using a bike would be good b/c its more fun than just walking at least to me it is. I started off going to the gym 3 times a week but now I go every day only becasue it makes me feel good.
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    I started at home with EA sports active - more workouts, and also bought some DVD's - a selection so as not to get bored. You can pick them up quite cheaply on Amazon (each for about the price of 1 class). After I'd lost some weight and felt more confident I then 'went public' and started doing a weekly zumba class, and swimming. I get bored at the gym, and it's expensive, and you get tied in with a contract, so I have avoided that. There is so much you can do without joining a gym ..........
  • cassmsta
    cassmsta Posts: 75
    Thank you all for the advice, it means alot that complete strangers are willing to share with me.

    I think i'm going to start with walking and biking, i'm WAY to embarrassed to go to the gym, I wouldn't know what to do anyways. :(
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I started a lot of things over time that I stopped because I wasn't enjoying them!

    I joined a gym, did the induction and then hardly went - I didn't enjoy the gym environment, so that was what stopped me there.

    I went swimming, didn't enjoy the intense heat in the changing rooms or the number of people swimming who were just socialising (ie in my way!).

    Years ago I joined a kick-boxing class, but felt it was too 'branded' - was pushed into forking out a load of money for the kit...left shortly after that.

    So the first exercise I started doing that I enjoyed was walking. I felt that I was only going to stick at an exercise if I enjoyed it. So I decided that anytime I needed to go somewhere locally, instead of nipping out in my car, I would get up and walk. Just started adding stuff in from there really. Life's too short to be spent doing exercise you don't enjoy!

    I'm adding that the reason I included my exercise 'false starts' was that it soon gave me an excuse not to exercise. I could say well, I've tried this and that and I don't enjoy it, so what's the point and I'm too busy anyway. Now I've found stuff I love doing (walking, biking, exercise DVDs, C25K) it's much easier to make time to do it and for it to be part of everyday life :-)
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Cass I know the feeling! I never wanted to go to the gym for fear of people judging me and whatnot. I wanted to get into running, so I started jogging in place in my living room next to my iTunes goin on the computer. Then when I was able to jog non-stop for a good amount of time, I took to the local park.. The first time I barely made it 1/4 mile, but I stuck with it, and can now do 4 miles! I also do a few DVD's at home as well. As long as you pick things you can get excited about, you'll be able to stick with them.. Good luck!!
  • cassmsta
    cassmsta Posts: 75
    I'm also thinking about buying a Wii and buying Wii fit along with biking, it will be nice to have something to fall back on considering I live in Alberta, the weather can be horrible.
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    Wii fit or similar is a good idea, as long as you think it's something you will enjoy. As the other posters have said, don't do it because you think you should, buy it if you think you will use it.

    When I started back in January I had 41kg (90 pounds) to lose and I was really unfit. I bought EA Sports Active 2 for the PS3 and started using it regularly. At first a simple 15 minute stretching exercise had me sweating buckets and even the easy level of the easiest program was a real push.

    Now I try to workout with the game 3-4 times a week for an hour and I walk when it's not raining. I feel soooo much better. You will too, just commit to it.

    Good luck. The most important step is the one you've already taken - deciding to do it!
