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Let's shed 100 plus pounds !!

tkc92 Posts: 5 Member
edited November 2015 in Getting Started
Hi everyone! I am a 23 year old female from Toronto, Canada !!! I have lived my whole life being overweight and a change needs to be done. I have started on many diets before and I always seem to fail. A friend recommended I used this app and today is my first time using it and I absolutely love it ! I made this group in hopes of finding other people who are in a similar position as me and wants to lose 100 plus pounds. My goal is to lose 130 pounds! i feel like if I don't make this change I am just going to continue putting on the weight year after year. I want to someday have kids and build a family while being healthy/ fit/ and active !

Hope to be meeting anyone out there who is ready to shed half of their weight off with me :) Best of luck to everyone xo


  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    I'm in much that same boat. Started at 320, down to 260 now, want to get below 175.
  • tkc92
    tkc92 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow! That's amazing !!! Congrats :)
  • danipickard1723
    danipickard1723 Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to support within this group! I am also 23 and have 115 to lose! I started (or restarted if we are being honest) last week and I love this app so much. And it syncs with some of the other fitness apps I'm using too.
  • Celticthunderfan
    Celticthunderfan Posts: 29 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hi. Im 21. At the heaviest during high school I was around 305. I started using the MFP again late September starting at 275ish. I am currently 259 and want to get to 150 or at least 180. Add me as a friend. I need a good support group. Most of my friends are extremely thin and they are trying to be supportive. They worry to much though and don't really understand calorie deficit I need people who are encouraging andk now what it is like.
  • ShashayLee
    ShashayLee Posts: 178 Member
    Congrats on starting your weightloss journeys. One thing i wish i had done was lose the weight when i was younger. Just remember to take this one small step at a time, small changes lead up to more and more. Make this something that you can keep doing. Don't try to lose weight fast, slow is much more sustainable. It is not a diet, it's a lifestyle :)
  • beloved17
    beloved17 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 34 and feel like I'm in quick sand. I need to loose around 65lbs. I've tried every get thin quick scheme there is.. Nothing works long term. I'm 3 weeks into being a vegetarian and am absolutely loving it. With that being said I now weigh the most I've ever weighed 178:( I'm 5'2 and according to my doctor I need to lose weight. I'm also a parent of 5 athletic young men and need more energy to keep up with them. I'm looking for someone to hold me accountable, and motivate me.
  • tkc92
    tkc92 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the tip @ShashayLee !!!

    I could not agree with you more! All of my friends are skinny minnies and don't quite understand or have the same mind set as we do. It's different being the person in the situation versus the person outside the box! @Celticthunderfan

    @danipickard1723 ; thanks for the add !! Hopefully we can make this group bigger ! More support = more results :)

    * Please let me know if you guys have any other apps that you recommend ! *
  • FaithIt365
    FaithIt365 Posts: 356 Member
    My goal is to lose 100+ also. I'm just starting my journey. Feel free to add.
  • cutejenny37
    cutejenny37 Posts: 2 Member
    I am with you guys! My goal is to lose 100lbs at minimum but preferably 120lbs. I have struggled with weight my whole life and I am currently the heaviest I have ever been! I love the support and motivation here.
  • Johnson032011
    Johnson032011 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone! 27 here I need to lose 100 lbs I've lost 50lbs but gained it all back. So I'm starting over. Everyone feel free to add me. Bb
  • M3ltD0Vvn
    M3ltD0Vvn Posts: 76 Member
    I could use some motivation as well on the same journey. 320 as of today, goal of 225.

  • brittbrat112991
    brittbrat112991 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I just turned 24 and just had my babygirl 8 weeks ago AND go back to work tomorrow! I'm a nurse and a mom now so I NEED to lose this weight! I currently fluctuate around 300 right now. I went from 330's to 263 and was walking often before I got pregnant then it all went out the window and I we t right back to the 330's by the end of my pregnancy. Anyways..I have somewhat small goals set. I want to be 250 by this summer so I can fit the amusement park rides! Lol then ultimately want to be around 190 by the time my daughter is 2!

    I would like weekly weigh in partners who weigh in on Mondays!
  • tkc92
    tkc92 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi @brittbrat112991 !!! Firstly congratulation on the baby girl !!! Secondly I hope you enjoy heading back to work tmrw :) I just started today and would love to be your partner !!! We can help each other out and make sure we stay on track !!! Everyone is obviously invited to join !!!
  • disturbedlusha
    disturbedlusha Posts: 19 Member
    Hi all. Im lusha and have over 100 lbs to lose. Would love to join this support system. Feel free to Add me.
  • brittbrat112991
    brittbrat112991 Posts: 3 Member
    @tkc92 thank you soo much! Sounds good! Can't wait to see how our first week goes! My hardest thing right now is being up every 3 hours with my daughter and having to go back to work now (I'm single mom and dad isn't around) so I'm awake alot and always on the go so I'm HUNGRY! Lol and it's hard taking time to eat healthy in a way. Like tonight I had to prep my meals for tmr just to stay ahead and have no excuses tmr! Whew
  • thickgurly
    thickgurly Posts: 35 Member
    Hello My name is Tiffany, I have over 100 lbs to lose. It gets hard for me because I have been up and down with my weight loss. I have tried so many diets and failed, but I am not giving up!! Feel free to add me for support. And I will do the same.
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    Hi, I've been on my weight loss journey since 2012. I've lost 133 lbs, gained some back & now I'm back on track since joining MFP in 2013. I've had Alot of health challenges, but I'm determined to lose 100 more pounds! Any of you that want to add me,send me a request. Please mention you saw this in the forum so I know who you are!
    If I can do it,you can too! I wish you All the best!
  • emilygraves1989
    emilygraves1989 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey I'm Emily and I weigh 320 pounds right now, 15 months post baby.
    Please add me, I would love to go through this journey with other people.
  • Drama74
    Drama74 Posts: 27 Member
    I'd love to lose around 100lb. I'm in this for the long haul but also looking to have a few giggles along the way. Anyone can add me.
    Oh, and we can do this
  • Wolfbite818
    Wolfbite818 Posts: 2 Member
    @Johnson032011 - I'm literally in the same boat. I was 260, got down to 202 a few years ago with MFP and now i'm back at 260. Now it's time to lost 105 pounds and not stop half way through again this time :smile: