Poll: How many calories do you eat?



  • cupcakecarnivore
    I've been at a plateau for the last almost two months!! I just switched it up again this week to see if adjusting my calories again will help bust through it!

    Age: 28
    Activity Level: Moderately active (work at a desk job, but go hiking for an hour every morning, walk for 45 minutes on my lunch break, then do strength training three days a week)
    Calories eaten per Day: trying around 1500 now regardless of exercise calories
    What type of diet you follow: vegetarian
    Average weekly weight loss: ugh like 1 pound every three weeks
  • JustBill
    JustBill Posts: 93 Member
    Gender: M
    Age: 42
    Activity Level: Desk job, little activity, but I try to get 60 to 90 minutes per day of exercise in.
    Calories eaten per Day: I'm allowed 1340 by MFP which is why I exercise to get it up to about 2000 per day.
    What type of diet you follow: I'm interested in high protein, low calorie, but I don't follow any specific plan.
    Average weekly weight loss: I was averaging 2 pounds a week but I've recently hit a wall. I actually seem to be losing and adding the same three pounds over and over again.... BUT - my waistline is slimming even though the scale isn't changing. i'm in the smallest pants/shorts in over a decade. I'd really love for the scale to also reflect the changes, but I'm loving how clothes are fitting.
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 38
    Activity Level: Sedentary
    Calories eaten per Day: 1560
    What type of diet you follow: I need to eat low protein, low sodium due to kidney stones and began eating vegan after most of my weight was lost from following the calorie goals on here. I also began eating low glycemic index foods. I always eat all of my exercise calories.
    Average weekly weight loss: When I was losing, it was about 1 pound. I lost 21% of my starting weight over 7 months. I have now lost 36 pounds total and have been maintaining since October 2010.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Gender: Girlie

    Age: Just turned 39

    Activity Level: I call it lightly active. I'm unemployed, but too antsy to sit still for very long.

    Calories eaten per Day: Currently, my goal is to NET 1500, since I'm on my own variation of maintenance now, where I eat for a half pound loss Mon-Fri, then don't log at all on weekends. The bulk of my loss was netting 1350-1400. My exercise is running and EA Sports Active 2. And sometimes crawling through the mud. :wink:

    What type of diet you follow: Eat what I want, burn a lot off, and try not to eat too much junk? I had half a rising crust DiGiorno, split with my husband, at least once a week every week since I started. But I ate to include more foods, adding more veggies, fish, smarter carbs (brown rice instead of Rice A Roni, for example), more fresh fruit. That worked better for me than excluding foods. I still ate less of the supposedly "bad" foods, but it was because there was more variety in my diet, not because I wasn't "allowed" to eat them.

    Average weekly weight loss: I averaged 5 pounds a month for the first 20 pounds, then I raised my calories for a half pound a week for the final 5 pounds.
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    Gender: F
    Age: 33
    Activity Level: set at sedentary/ in my last few weeks of p90x
    Calories eaten per Day: 1400 but just bumped it up to 1500 (1/2lb per week)
    What type of diet you follow: nothing specific
    Average weekly weight loss: at a stand still maybe averaging 1/2 lb
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Gender: female
    Age: 40
    Activity level: moderately active stay at home mom
    calories eaten daily: between 1300-1800, depending on how hard I got to work out
    type of diet: I eat whatever I want, in moderation. I allow a splurge day every couple of weeks to eat whatever I want
    average weight loss: about .8lbs a week since I joined on here about 2 months ago
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 22
    Activity Level: Active (Mostly from my job and some extra exercise on the side)
    Calories eaten per Day: 1200
    What type of diet you follow: I don't give myself any rules. I stick to fish and veggies when I can, but I eat what I want.
    Average weekly weight loss: 1 lb
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 28
    Activity Level: Set as sedentary for my desk job
    Calories eaten per Day: 1740 as set by MFP - try to eat 50% of my exercise cals back (sometimes I'm just not hungry enough!)
    What type of diet you follow: Trying to reduce sodium, but basically eating what I want as long as it's in my cals/macros for the day. Learning so much about healthier choices!
    Average weekly weight loss: Lost 3.3kg in the four weeks that I've been serious. A little less than I'd like, but on track for my goal I've set for Dec 25 2011.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    Kelly looks kind of tall in her pic... I think 1200 cals/day is ok for shorter ppl (like me- only 5'3":frown: ) I'm pretty sure if she's a taller person then she will need more calories.
    Either way if you're using this site, I'm sure that's probably the level it told you to aim for.

    I'm wondering the same thing as you are, Kelly... it's been very slow for me as well.

    Here are my answers:
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Activity Level: it's been up and down the past couple months. I was doing an exercise boot camp so I was mod/very active for a couple months, but it's dipped back to lightly active since it ended. I have been pushing myself to mod since the past week though, and am planning to continue.
    Calories eaten per Day: I try to stay by 1200, but do sometimes go up and down.
    What type of diet you follow: Don't really follow a diet but am trying to eat healthier and fewer processed foods. Have also been avoiding fast food, though I did cave today :frown:
    Average weekly weight loss: I've lost 1 pound in total! This morning it went down by 4, but when I checked again just now it was only 1. I don't know what to make of that.
    That being said, I have been losing inches... haven't measured myself lately but a lot of people have commented on it, so I know it's noticeable, lol. My clothes fit more nicely now too... but I am ready to start seeing the scale go down as well :(
  • Gennawest
    Gennawest Posts: 171
    eat anywhere from 900-1200 daily.
    never eat calories back
    dont eat past 3 pm. Low sodium, no sugar or fast foods like taco bell.
    at least 5 hours of cardio weekly.
    lost 74 lbs since jan. 2
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Gender: F

    Age: 39 in a few days

    Activity Level: Sedentary with workouts 5-6 days/week

    Calories eaten per Day: I manually set my MFP goal to 1350. I'm "supposed" to be at 1250.. uh-uh. I eat back my workout calories.

    What type of diet you follow: Eat what you want within reason and under goal.

    Average weekly weight loss: Lost 19 lbs in 2 months.
  • JennsRAQ
    JennsRAQ Posts: 132 Member
    I lost 32 lbs in just about 90 days right before I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child. ;) (of COURSE!)
    I ate between 1200-1500 calories per day and I worked out between 45 minutes- 1.5 hours a day most days.
  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    Gender: F

    Activity Level: Desk job but I get up a lot during the day... I'll do things that I don't record like gardening, painting house, etc. At the gym at least 5 times a week (3 days strength, 2 cardio) and on weekends, typically my "off" days I bike, run or go for long walks.

    Calories eaten per Day: average 1600.

    What type of diet you follow: Right now what MFP tells me.

    Average weekly weight loss: Maintaining.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    Gender: female
    Age: 34
    Activity Level: mildly active in general, but run distances 4 or 5 times a week
    Calories eaten per Day: 1500/2000 ish (i dont properly count)
    What type of diet you follow: none
    Average weekly weight loss: none/maintaining
  • uhoh_billy
    uhoh_billy Posts: 94
    Gender: Lady-bits :)
    Age: 25
    Activity Level: Sedentary on MFP but I try to work out 2-3 times a week for at least 45 minutes, plus I play Ultimate Frisbee for an hour and a half every Thursday. About to start the 30 Day Shred!
    Calories eaten per Day: 1200 is my level, sometimes I go a few under and sometimes I go over, and I mostly eat back my exercise calories!
    What type of diet you follow: Low-calorie, whatever I want! I'm awful when it comes to working out so I can afford junky food. Less junk than before, but I go to the movies a lot and popcorn is my killer! I hate veggies so dinner is usually meat and grain (like chicken with rice, yum!) and I love awful-for-me microwave dinners for my lunches at work!
    Average weekly weight loss: 1.5lbs.
  • loubabes1
    loubabes1 Posts: 19 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 32
    Activity Level: sedentary with 3 spin classes a week
    Calories eaten per Day: 1000 - 1300
    What type of diet you follow: No set diet (tried them all!) I just keep my calorie intake as low as poss. I am hoping that by not being too restrictive I will be able to keep at it longer than past diets.
    Average weekly weight loss: variable, i have lost 3lbs this week which is way more than usual - i usually stay the same for a few weeks then get 1 or 2lbs.
  • kaylemartin
    kaylemartin Posts: 235 Member
    Gender: F
    Age: 23
    Activity Level: sedentary
    Calories eaten per Day: 1200
    What type of diet you follow: No diet, just healthy eating
    Average weekly weight loss: 1-2lb per week
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    36 turing 37 in July
    175+ lbs
    was stuck and sounded like your post then I switched to doing lower carb...not crazy way just lowering to about 50-100 grams of carbs a day net so carbs -fiber grams = net carbs

    I found that I was doing 1400-1600 calories but after 2 months of heavy exercise the scale and tape measure did not more at all

    i went lower carb and try to stay 1400 calories but don't really focus on that too much now. now I focus on just cutting carbs feeling good and seeing how the clothes fit.

    Believe it or not...that got the scale moving and it floored me!
    Now I am cooking low carb and reaeding a ton of low carb books and it makes sense....also watched Fat Head and it was easy to understand.

    Give it a shot!
  • liveyourlifex
    liveyourlifex Posts: 149 Member
    Gender: F

    Age: 15

    Activity Level: sedentary (just until my finals and regents end next week. then its summer vacation for me and im gonna start working out atleast an hour a day and build up after that)

    Calories eaten per Day: ranges from 1000 to 1600

    What type of diet you follow: just try to eat as healthy as i can

    Average weekly weight loss: maintaining
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I recently changed my MFP settings from losing 1-2 pounds a week to losing 0.5 pounds a week to break me out of a plateau (it worked!)

    Age: 34
    Activity Level: moderately active
    Calories eaten per Day: 1700
    What type of diet you follow: No preservatives/chemicals or boxed food, whole grains, lots of home cooking. I don't follow a diet per se, but I just try to eat high fiber and have a good carb/protein balance.
    Average weekly weight loss: Since I just changed my settings and I plateaued for a while this number is not terribly accurate but I basically have averaged just over 1 pound a week. That has now slowed down since I changed my settings as I enter the Last 10 Pound Zone.