Binge eating

Hi guys,
Looking for some advice really. Desperately trying to loose weight, i can be good all day then it gets to the evening and all healthy eating seems to go out the window and i just binge on everything! It probably doesn't help i am in my final year of university and the stress and time constraints are unavoidable. So advice on evening planning and willpower would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


  • angieachstetter
    angieachstetter Posts: 5 Member
    I actually have this exact same problem. I have dealt with it for the past few years and have succeeded and failed at it so in turn I have learned a couple of things. First off, very important to make sure your dinner consist of a hefty amount of protein, having all the non startchy vegetables you like. Here is the important part though: there comes a point DURING or AFTER dinner when you go ONE bite too far. In turn- your mind enters the "no turning back zone". It's almost like you lost track of how much you actually ate during dinner, therefore snowballing into a binge eating frenzy for fear of going to bed hungry (as if that is the worst thing that could happen to us). What works for me and it is the only thing that has worked for me is this. When its time for dinner I make my plate. I make what I think I need.....then I add a little extra to that same plate before I sit down (sometimes we think we can get by on an unrealistic amt of food). Fill up a large glass of water ( yes it helps). Sit down and have your meal, drink the water, and leave the kitchen. Turn the lights off and do not eat a single bite of food until the next morning. The first two nights you do this will be extremely hard. However, it gets much easier as you continue and you retrain your body to stop eating at night. You know it's that one bite that pushes us off the edge into the binge. If you are completely aware of exactly what you ate at dinner time then you know the night is a success not a loss. The moment you feel like you over ate during dinner the binge begins. When you don't step into the binge with that one bite it stays at bay. The more you excersise control after dinner the easier it gets. Going to bed hungry is not the end of the world and you could loose a pound a night doing this. Even a peice of fruit could set you into the binge. Just eat that protein up during dinner, drink that water. And walk away.
  • pliler
    pliler Posts: 45 Member
    What about having your biggest meal in the evening. Delay breakfast till midday and eat little bits thru out the afternoon and then have a decent dinner while still staying under your calorie goal. That way you full up when you normally binge. My biggest meal is my evening meal and is usually 800 cals, but I stay under my calories for the day.
  • workin_onit
    workin_onit Posts: 102 Member
    pliler wrote: »
    What about having your biggest meal in the evening. Delay breakfast till midday and eat little bits thru out the afternoon and then have a decent dinner while still staying under your calorie goal. That way you full up when you normally binge. My biggest meal is my evening meal and is usually 800 cals, but I stay under my calories for the day.

    This! Actually it sounds a lot like what I do, which is intermittent fasting. I eat between noon and 8, that's it. For me, knowing that the less I eat at night the more I will lose is great motivation.

    One other thing I would add: I drink flavored seltzer water and it really does make me feel like I'm having a treat and I don't feel hungry.

    Good luck!
  • pliler
    pliler Posts: 45 Member
    Yeah, Intermittent Fasting is awesome!
  • escotech2883
    escotech2883 Posts: 546 Member
    Im a binge eater and i can tell you it sucks
    Good luck to you !
  • sianeth17
    sianeth17 Posts: 9 Member
    I do eat my biggest meal at night. It's the I need something sweet after dinner else I will not feel satisfied.....that sets it off. Or I don't have time to dinner so I'll end up eating something unhealthy and quick. Or end up leaving it so long before eating, i'm ravinous and eat everything in site. Think I have issues >_>
  • bdfarrall
    bdfarrall Posts: 28 Member
    I have always been a binge eater especially at night. I started using this site about a week ago. For some reason, I have not binged all week. It could be simple determination. I don't know if this is a temporary thing because the diet is new but I hope it lasts. Binge eating adds stress. I like the idea of trying to eat the bigger meal in the evening. I will give that a try if it comes back.