What keeps you going during a run?

shelld70 Posts: 106
edited September 2024 in Motivation and Support
I have recently taken up running. I have gone from 30 sec. at a time to about 20 min. at a time. My goal is to run an entire 5k w/o stopping to walk.

How do you keep motivated while running? I start off chanting in my head "I can do this" or "I am gonna kick *kitten*". But after awhile it changes to "I suck at this", "I am going to die", "Why am I doing this?". I can't listen to my ipod because I have hearing problems and it throws off my pace and I get disoriented. After each run I feel amazing! So I know it's worth it. And the pounds are starting to drop a little faster. My husband goes with me sometimes and this helps.

Anyone have any other more positive mantras to concentrate on? Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks, MFPeeps! :tongue:


  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I signed up for a race and I have a training plan. This is a total motivation, as its a 10k in September, and I can only run 5k now (with some walking). Its a total dream and I want to train for it well, so it gets me out on the street/treadmill!
  • JCubbins
    JCubbins Posts: 92
    Nike got it right:
    ^It really helps me, athough sometimes I just can't clear my mind and stop thinking.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    I think running is very mental. So sometimes it is the finish line that keeps me going. It takes discipline to banish those whiny thoughts. It helps me to enjoy where I run...in a beautiful park. A good soundtrack is good. Maybe a running buddy. Someone to talk to to take your mind off the struggle.
  • MaruManic
    MaruManic Posts: 27 Member
    What usually happens for me is I set a goal; say you run 20 minutes easily, have your goal 23 minutes. No drastic increases. Run 23 minutes till you can do it easily, then add more. I usually count down when it gets hard. "Just 2 more minutes... just 1 more minute... 30 seconds.... 15.... 10... 5... BOOYA I DID IT. I AM THE GREATEST WOMAN ALIVVVVVVE!" That small goal and feeling of accomplishment helps motivate me, and I feel so amazing afterwards. Its a huge confidence booster.
  • tony2009
    tony2009 Posts: 201 Member
    I have recently taken up running myself, with goals of running a half-marathon at some point. I find that if I am not motivated for a run, I might as well not go. But one thing that really keeps me going is my music, I concentrate on that and it really keeps me on track. On days I do not have my music, I usually just think about the person that I am trying to change into, and other motivations like that. The best motivation is a running buddy though, always makes me run SO much longer.
  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    lol...I think I kinda zone out and stop paying attention to the actual running part. It's definately a head game. I tell myself before I start - you've done it before, so yeah it is possible! then I do it.
  • This is what keeps me going while running, I stay positive and I do not say anything negative in my head while running. I pretend I am running a 5k and I have friends and family waiting for me at finish line! Also another big thing is I have the couch 25k program playing on my iPhone and I can't stop until "he" says so! LOL!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    just do it!!

    i dont always listen to music. Sometimes if its a new route or in the countryside, i just like quiet and the sound of my feet pounding.

    Varying my routes and trying somewhere new regularly keeps me interested

    If you cant listen to music, what about audio books?
  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    Its too bad that you cant listen to music. That is one of the biggest things that keeps me going. I can get lost in my music. I also try to work out my "Problem of the Day". There's always some issue, no matter how small, that could use some working out. That kills a lot of time too!! Best of luck to you, your so close now! I can appreciate what you are doing for sure. I'm running a pretty big race in September and I'm super excited/nervous for it. A lot of planning and training has to go into it, especially mentally. Tell yourself that you CAN do it, no matter how bad you want to quit! Sometimes I give myself a mental slap upside the head to say "Of course you can!" HAHA
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I hear my old swim coach and Jillian Michaels yelling at me to not stop, I am only at 5 mins with 3 mins walking.
  • donnareddy
    donnareddy Posts: 2 Member
    I know exactly what you mean! I could have posted the exact same thing. I run in my neighborhood early in the morning and don't want to listen to music so I can be aware of my surroundings. I'm always looking for the end and having to constantly tell myself this is making you healthier, you look better, you feel better and you didn't get that way staying in bed an extra hour. Try to stay focused on that feeling when you're done and keep reminding yourself of that. That seems to be the thing that keeps me going!

    I ran my first 5k this weekend and yes, it kicked my butt but I did it!!! It's great motivation to have a goal and be able to check it off and then set another one! Stay with it! You'll be glad you did!
  • mackemshazza
    mackemshazza Posts: 87 Member
    Wow, well done for.... "I have gone from 30 sec. at a time to about 20 min. at a time". It's no mean feat and you should be proud of yourself.

    If you can't "listen" to music then you could always just sing it in your head, pick something up-beat obviously.

    If that is too distracting then the best advice I can give you is to try not to actually think about what you are doing and switch off from the physical side of things.

    If I run on a morning I think about what I'm going to do that day and make mental lists, or think about what I did yesterday, keep it positive, what did you do well? - or what else would you like to achieve today? - even if it's putting the rubbish/trash out, shopping, work or family related.

    I also think about past holidays where I've really enjoyed myself and the feelings I had at the time.

    As for motivational messages I sometimes say "buns of steel" if I get to a tricky bit! Or imagine the weight melting off my *kitten* :-)

    Keep everything as positive and don't over think it. I'm not a good runner but not a beginner either, I just plod but really enjoy it (outside only)

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I'd love to see how you feel when you achieve your goal. x
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I listen to music to keep my mind off how tired I am
  • shelld70
    shelld70 Posts: 106
    Wow! Lots of GREAT advice! Thanks so much! :love:
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    I go all "zen" when I run. I let whatever pops into my head just be, without judging it as either "good" or "bad", and then I let it float away. I imagine all of my thoughts floating off behind me like clouds. I prefer to run outside because when I have to run on a treadmill it's harder to lose myself in the run. For whatever reason, I often count steps or breaths when I'm on the treadmill. I try not to judge how many steps I'm taking or how I'm breathing or anything, I just count. Sometimes it's straight counting, sometimes it's a repeating pattern like 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4. When it gets tough, I will sometimes have songs pop in my head. (I don't listen to music when I run.) I frequently hear Dory from Finding Nemo singing "just keep running...just keep running...just keep running, running, running" LOL
  • bwalters82
    bwalters82 Posts: 95
    My goal is to beat people that look better than me. :)
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    It may sound strange, but I count my steps. Each number is 4 strides (twen - ty - one - step, twen - ty - two - step...). I'm pretty short, so it takes about 420 counts to make a mile for me. This way I can somewhat keep track of how far I've gone, too. The other thing is to keep looking to the next light pole, or street intersection, or tall tree... tell yourself you're going to reach that marker, then when you do, look for your next marker and reach it. It also doesn't hurt to tell yourself how fantastic you're going to feel when you finish!!! Good luck :)
  • RyvreTam
    RyvreTam Posts: 45 Member
    I can't listen to music either. I have to be thinking and forget about the run. I preach conversational podcasts as if they're the newest bestest fad. I can't wait to listen, and since I restrict listening to just working out, I can't wait to work out. They're out there about any subject you want to listen to. It may take a couple to see which people you like, but when you do, it's like they're talking only to you about your interest.

    I listen to them on my Blackberry where I also have adidas miCoach. I'm doing the "Train for 5k" program which gives me a variety of workouts that build up to running faster and longer, eventually for a whole 5k. For instance, this weekend gave me 15 minutes of 1 minute intervals of walking, jogging, and running. The next workout was 1 minute intervals of jogging and running. The next 3 are straight jogging for lengthening times, there's one that's mostly walking with some sprints, etc. All these I can (surprisingly) do, because I've been built up to them through a program.

    Good luck! I hope you find what works for you, you've done a great job so far.
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    I'm like you...started a little at a time. I'm now doing 3.5 to 4 miles a day. (45 minute run)
    My motivations:

    1. Great music. Running is a lot like dancing, the better the tempo the longer you can endure. :drinker:
    2. A good pair of running shoes. The kind that make you WANT to run. :bigsmile:
    3. A decent heart rate monitor. This will motivate you like crazy! :heart:
    4. The way clothes fit me. I have bought a whole new wardrobe of awesome cool clothes. :glasses:
    5. The way I look and how others compliment me. I know...vanity vanity...still it's nice. :blushing:
    6. My last 2 bloodwork results. I have changed everything in this area. I even got to stop one of my medications. :bigsmile:

    Just keep on keepin' on girl...you will reach those goals!
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